Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Back to life, back to reality!

Late last night we got back from our trip to Utah. We took four suitcases full of gifts for the kids and grandkids, including bamboo banks. They are very popular here in the Philippines to teach young boys to save money for their missions. We need to start them young!

This was a very special trip because for the first time Daniel got to meet Oliver and Norah. Both born in January a day apart. We drove over 3,000 miles visiting Pablo and family in Denver, Ani and family in Nebraska and the girls in Idaho. Daniel has a soft spot for his little girls so it was so sweet to see him visit with Ani and Vale. We also got to see Hernan and family.

On Sunday, we were able to attend Church in Nebraska and the next Sunday for Father's Day we attended Church in Farmington. If we had stayed one more week maybe we could have attended Church in Denver or Idaho. I love going to Church with the kids and grandkids. For father's day we went to Maddox on Saturday and on Sunday the kids made milanesas. Daniel and Vale made enough for an Army.

We got to do so much while were in the U.S. but most significantly, we refinanced our home in Lehi, got a line of credit and bought a condo in Orlando. That was a little crazy but we did it! We kissed good bye the apartment in El Salvador to do an exchange for something in Orlando so my mom and sister could move there.

Today we went to a PEF meeting in Los Angeles near the former Clark Air Force. Daniel spoke to the group about what he learned from the Bishopric.  Now we are back facing reality: our move to a new home in La Isla is delayed and they need to start getting this home ready for the Bowmans so it is time to start packing again

Con amor,

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