Friday, July 29, 2016

Chapter 18 (part two)

What do Hispanic or Latino Immigrants want?  They want respect, love, and opportunities. They want to be successful. Keep in mind that immigrants throughout the world are embracing new ideas and new opportunities. The driving force is a desire to improve their situation, whatever it may be. Growing up in El Salvador, I remember learning about the United States compared to the rest of the countries on the American Continent. The differences are vast, particularly when compared to countries in Central and South America. I became intrigued about the constitution of the United States of America and its history. My fourth grade teacher said: “From the beginning the North was established by the world’s finest people. In contrast, we were conquered by despicable savages.” This is what I was first taught about my Hispanic roots, resulting in a country where corruption is rampant, impunity is high, transparency is low, justice is rare, and politics remain (even today) extremely polarized. 2

         When I finished sixth grade, my aunt invited me to study in Utah. The night before my departure, I went around telling my neighbors: “Tomorrow I will be going to the land of the dollar.” When the year was over, I had immersed myself in the American culture and had learned the language well enough to attend The American School of El Salvador.  Years later, I was faced with the decision: Where should I attend College? Naturally, I returned to Utah. Many of my classmates were moving to big cities like Los Angeles, New York, and Miami. “Why Utah?” my classmates would ask: “Where is Utah anyway?”

To be continued...

Con amor,

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