Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Life in a busy neighborhood

Our new home in Manila is an apartment where the Area Presidency lives. We can walk to four malls but I don't really like to get out because the traffic is horrible and there are no over pass bridges so you have to cross the street on in coming cars hoping that they will stop.

Daniel likes to start walking because he thinks that people will not hurt you but in this day and age with so many psychopaths out there, you never know. The other day Daniel was crossing the street and an incoming car almost hit him.

We went out to get some flowers for the Haynies, get a hair cut for Daniel, grab some dinner, get cash from the ATM and buy an iron at the story across from our apartment. It has been very convenient that an electronic place is next door from us.

We have opened most of the boxes and only about 20% still remain. These is mostly my scrapbooking stuff. Can't wait to be done!

Con amor,

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