Monday, July 25, 2016

We have moved!

Hello family:
We have survived our third move in less than one year; and that is a record for us!  
Ever since we came to Manila we wanted to live in the same apartment where the Area Seventies live. That is what we were used to when we lived in Santo Domingo. Actually in the Dominican Republic all the expats lived in the same building and that was so convenient. An apartment is great when is just the two of us. I also like the fact that it feels safe in here. No robbers or buglers to ever worry about. 
 Our move got delayed because of issues with the remodeling. Daniel is very detailed and found so many things that were done wrong. (One of the bathrooms had to be done three times.) The fellows who worked on our apartment told Daniel that they had learned so much working for us and now understand the meaning of “doing a good job” We all learn from our mistakes and what could be considered a sacrifice becomes an investment. 
What I like about our new home is that Daniel will take turns driving to work and he will be home at a decent hour. I also like the apartment life in the middle of a busy part of town. There are many restaurants and malls within walking distance.  Name any store from the United States, Europe or Asia and we can probably walk to it. 
We are unpacking boxes now and putting stuff away. In a couple of days we hope to found a place for everything and everything in its place. We are so ready to be finally settled in!

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