Thursday, April 19, 2018

What is needed for a marriage to last?

One answer of what is needed for a marriage to last is found on 2 Corinthians 9:6 Whomever sows generously will reap generally or in other words: "You only get out of marriage what you put into it."

Let me explain with an example:  My son in law, Brooks Dame, thought of an idea for a unique new product. He had started a small company in his garage manufacturing eyewear so he carefully organized his plans to expand his star-up business.

He met with consultants, accountants, and attorneys, calculating revenues and expenses.  He worked hard to sell the concept to banks and investors to raise capital. He even went on the TV show: "Shark Tank."

In time the company grew so he needed to lease new space, purchased what was needed needed and hired employees so finally he was ready to begin. He worked so hard pouring his heart and soul into the business, determined to make it succeed and sure enough, it thrives.

But does he now merely sit back, relax,, and enjoy the fruit of his labor? No! He gets people he can trust to help him expand his business and works harder than ever, while conjuring up new ideas improving efficiency, bettering customer relations, and bolstering profits.

If a marriage is to last a lifetime, it requires the same level of devotion and energy. Both partners must give 100 percent. Each must be available to the other when needed, fully present, ready to listen, to talk, to act. Both spouses must pour their heart and soul into this enterprise, making whatever sacrifice necessary to ensure success.

What an investment, but the payoff is rich, healthy, loving relationship that lasts. And everyone involved reaps countless rewards. Does this sound good? Devote time and energy to your marriage.

Con amor,

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