Friday, March 16, 2018

Love is spelled Time

I have come to realize that when I was a young mother, I felt that I needed to work outside the home and maybe it was because that is what I saw my mom do.  It is easy for me to become so incredibly busy the same way my mom was that I can forget to give that same 100% effort to the things that matter the very most in my life:  my husband, our children, our extended family, and my loved ones. 

 I think many of us make that same mistake of forgetting to prioritize our families amongst all the other responsibilities we have in life.  Somehow our families drop to the bottom of the day’s list of to-do’s and if the daytime runs out then they simply don’t get their adequate time from us.  We fail to give our families 100% of our efforts, and that is the biggest failure of all.

And so I have a new resolve to do better to treat my family time with the same 100% effort I give to everything else I do in my life. Tomorrow I am leaving to go to Utah and then to Orlando to be with my mom. I am all packed up and ready to go and couldn't be more excited. I feel so thankful that I have been able to travel back and forth these past years living abroad even when we are so far away. We are only one phone call away and in this case a few flights away. I can't hardly wait. 

Con amor, 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Have a breathtaking day

I love this article from Amy Anderson I want to share 

“Breathtaking – what a great word!  It’s the best word I can think of when I drive up the road toward my home, set into the side of a beautiful mountain in Utah.  The weather is amazing, the trees are green, the flowers are blooming and all I can think is…breathtaking!

We don’t take enough time out of each day to just appreciate the beauty of the world around us.  There is beauty to be found  no matter where you live.  I have traveled to far parts of this world, like India and Africa, and Italy, and Israel and many more amazing places and no matter where I have gone I have always found things of beauty to behold.  Sometimes it’s the surroundings, sometimes it’s the people, sometimes it’s the darling little children with their huge smiles, and sometimes it’s the history and the majesty of a place and the significant events that have taken place there.  Regardless of what makes it beautiful, there is always a beauty to behold – if we are willing to take the time to see it.

Sometimes we need to force ourselves to slow down for just a moment to notice it.  I am probably one of the people who needs to take that advice the most.  I go a million miles an hour most days and when I do that I tend to miss the amazing beauty around me.  And although I am glad that I am focused on accomplishing goals in my life I think I am going to set one more goal for myself that will be to take at least ten minutes every day to simply stop and appreciate the beauty that surrounds me.  No matter where I am, no matter what surrounds me in the moment, I am going to set that goal to stop at least once each day and notice and appreciate how breathtaking this world we live in can be.


I would love to plant a garden someday.

Con amor,

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A new business

My mom wants to start a business selling pearls but I am not too keen on that idea.  

From the time I was young I saw my mom start one business after another and within a couple of years she lost interest in whatever venture she had started and went to do something else. I don't know how that happened but she started over 25 business. I am the opposite because if I am going to do something in my life I am going to do it 100%.  I never wanted to be the girl who did things halfway.  I just felt that if I was going to put my name on something then I wanted to be proud of the work I was doing.  After all, if I wasn’t going to give something my all then why even start it in the first place…that just seemed silly to me.

Another thing I noticed was how much time my mom spent each day doing things that didn’t help her to move forward toward her goals.  After reading the quote below, I thought to myself, “If I just commit to doing a little bit more each day while others are wasting time then just think how far I can get in my life”

 “The average person puts only 25%of his energy and ability into his work.

The world takes off its hat to thosewho put in more than 50% of their capacity,

and stands on its head for thosefew and far between soulswho devote 100%.” – Andrew Carnegie

And so I decided to be one of those people who devotes herself 100% to every endeavor and for now the only business I have managed to do is real state. I like a business where I can make a profit  without moving a finger.  Has it been difficult at times, absolutely! I don't particularly like to be a landlord when I get calls about a problem in one of our homes but I do like to receive the money each month as a form of income so I am willing to put up with those issued that come up from time to time and continue with my small business. I rent out five homes. 

I like to feel that I go to bed each night knowing that I have accomplished everything I could possibly have accomplished with the day I was given – yes.  And there is great satisfaction that comes from knowing you are not wasting a single moment of the time God has granted you on this earth. My mom worked very hard and also gave it 100% of her time but somehow she lost interest quickly and never stuck to just one thing. Now she wants to start a business selling pearls when we don't know anything about the business. 

I met the people who sell them and they all have been in this business for decades. They buy the buckets of pearls and make the jewelry to sell in the Greenhills market. I got a few sets of pearl so my mom can give them out as gifts or sell them to people. She really gets a kick out of selling stuff but she doesn't realize that she doesn't have the same energy as she once did to be worried about starting a new business. She loves to sell stuff and I don't like doing that, because would give them away and that is exactly mom mom's problem. People don't pay her back which frustrates me because she is wasting time and money. I would do anything to make her feel she is successful at a business and have a partnership with her but I don't think selling pears is the way to go. For now, I will do anything in my power to buy a few peals sets here and there to make her happy. 

Con amor,

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Daniel's passion

One day Daniel was asked what was his passion and he said: "It's Veronica."  and I couldn't believe he said that! But aside from me, HIs other passion is his work. This is Daniel. 


*Daniel cares about each of his employees. He wants to see everyone succeed to the point that they are better today than what they were yesterday rather than pulling each other down to climb one another. He values people who help one another to succeed without worry for who gets credit for it. 

*Daniel strives to have good communication with all his employees so that every single person is on the loop on who they are and what are they trying to accomplish. 

*Daniel knows where he stands and does not like to beat around the bush and prefers simplicity not complexity. He likes to get good results in an efficient manner. 

*Daniel likes everyone working for the Church to be treated with respect despite tittle or position. He values each person the same regardless of rank or title because everyone matters to him as equals who bring good ideas to the team. 

*Daniel values integrity above all. Daniel likes having a culture of people who uphold their integrity at all costs. 

*Daniel is committed to his job and expects the same from the people that works with him. It takes an amazing skill to hiring the right people for the job and by the same token firing the wrong people when he has to because he needs people around him he can trust. 

*Daniel seeks guidance from the Lord each morning as he starts his day with a prayer in his quiet office which allows him to be open to ideas and to be at peace as he considers different options and then he trusts what answers come to him.

*Daniel believes in the power of setting goals. He has had a goal format done in every area of his work ever since Bishop Bateman taught him how to do it in 1995. He now refers to it as a way to measure how well he is accomplishing what he is set to do.  Literally everything he has planned to do as a goal over the years has come to pass, and so he just keeps adding bigger and better things on his goal chart because he has seen how well it works.

I am proud of my husband!

Con amor,

Monday, March 12, 2018

My talk on the Heritage of Relief Society

Talk given on March 11, 2018
As I was preparing to give this talk on our heritage as Relief Society members, I imagined what it would be like to go back in time and be there when the first Relief Society meeting took place!  Imagine that!!
Soon after Joseph Smith established the Church, he also organized the Relief Society by saying: “The Church was never perfectly organized until the women were thus organized.” (end of quote)
He defined the purpose of the Relief Society and instructed the sisters in their purpose, just as he did with the priesthood leaders when he taught them their priesthood purpose and work.
 If priesthood leaders need to accomplish something significant, they can call upon the Relief Society to help them.
 Ours is an organization that continues to be led today by prophets, seers, and revelators. Relief Society is unique because it was organized after the “pattern of the priesthood”3 Just like the quorum of elders, the Relief Society is also an essential part of the Lord’s Church.
In 2007, President Monson stated the following about the newest called Relief Society General Presidency, he said: “Sisters: Julie Beck, Silvia Allred, Barbara Thompson Thank heaven for your dear mothers…to quote William Wallace, that “the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” (end of quote)
Silvia Allred’s mother is my grandmother and she was also a pioneer in her day. She is featured in the daughters in My kingdom publication. In it we read: “She served them and taught them to serve one another. The sisters loved and respected her. She helped other women to discover, use, and develop gifts and talents; she helped them become builders of the kingdom and of strong, spiritual families. She stayed faithful to the temple covenants she made. When she passed away, she was at peace with her Maker.” (Close quote)
I remember how seriously my grandmother took her calling as the Relief Society President of the first branch in San Salvador. She was constantly seeking after everything virtuous, lovely, of good report and praiseworthy, My grandmother had a strong testimony of the true restored gospel. She trusted the Lord to be her rock, her strength and her advocate.  
President Hinckley said: “People wonder what we do for our women. I’ll tell you what we do. We get out of their way and Look with wonder at what they’re accomplishing! “

In that very first meeting Emma Smith said, “We are going to do something extraordinary” She was right! The history of Relief Society is filled with examples of ordinary women who have accomplished extraordinary things as they have exercised faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
President Eyring said:
 “In the years that followed, the Relief Society grew in numbers and in power to serve those in need. Under the leadership of women of great vision and capacity, the Relief Society took the lead in starting charitable services which did not exist on the frontier for those in need.

They created a hospital. That was the beginning of one of the great hospital systems in the United States.

They began programs which became over the years the worldwide LDS Family Services.
They created a grain storage system so effective that they could respond to a request for help from the federal government in a time of war and crisis.
They began what became the Primary and what became the organization for young women in the Church.
They created their own magazine for women. They became one of the largest organizations for women in the world.
They were also in the leadership of organizations for women in the United States.
The Relief Society was at the heart of the beginning of the Church’s power to give humanitarian aid across the world. Leaders of nations, when they visit Utah, express awe and admiration for what the Church is doing for the poor and the victims of war and natural disaster across the world. Those remarkable gifts to the children of God are part of the enduring legacy of Relief Society. (President Eyring continues)
 The Prophet Joseph Smith told the Relief Society in their first meetings that such remarkable things would come from their faithful service. He said that queens would come to learn from and be part of their service.3 I have seen that prophecy fulfilled. And I can discern from the records that a scriptural promise to those who serve the Lord in His work was also granted to those Relief Society pioneers.” (end of quote)
Over the years, I have belonged to many clubs and groups of women. There are many benevolent groups of women who do great good. But the Relief Society is unique and has been from its start, what sets us apart from every other woman’s group is that everything we do in Relief Society matters to the Lord because Relief Society is part of the restoration. A similar organization for women existed in the Church anciently, just as the Savior invited Mary and Martha of the New Testament times to participate in His work, women of this dispensation have an official commission to participate in the Lord’s work. Relief Society was established by the Lord to organize, teach, and inspired His daughters to prepare for the blessings of eternal life. We have a vital role to play in helping build the kingdom of God and preparing for the Lord’s coming.
In 1901 President Lorenzo Snow said: “The members of the Relief Society have … ministered to those in affliction, they have thrown their arms of love around the fatherless and the widows, and they have kept themselves unspotted from the world. I can testify that there are no purer and more God-fearing women in the world than are to be found within the ranks of the Relief Society.” (End of quote)  

President Monson expressed his feeling to the Relief Society sisters when he told them: “As in President Snow’s time, there are, here and now, visits to be made, greetings to be shared, and hungry souls to be fed. In this spirit, I have felt to provide each member of the Relief Society throughout the world three goals to meet:
1.    Study diligently. A study of the scriptures will help our testimonies and the testimonies of our family members. Our children today are growing up surrounded by voices urging them to abandon that which is right... Unless they have a firm foundation in the gospel of Jesus Christ, a testimony of the truth, and a determination to live righteously, they are susceptible to these influences. It is our responsibility to fortify and protect them.
2.    Pray earnestly. Perhaps there has never been a time when we had greater need to pray and to teach our family members to pray. Prayer is a defense against temptation. It is through earnest and heartfelt prayer that we can receive the needed blessings and the support required to make our way in this sometimes difficult and challenging journey we call mortality. We can teach the importance of prayer to our children and grandchildren both by word and by example.
3.    Serve willingly.” You are a mighty force for good, one of the most powerful in the entire world. Your influence ranges far beyond yourself and your home touches others all around the globe. You have reached out to your brothers and sisters across streets, across cities, across nations, across continents, across oceans. You personify the Relief Society motto: “Charity never faileth.” (end of quote)
The part of the foundation most important to me is that at the center of Relief society is charity.
 Charity is far more than a feeling of benevolence. Charity is born of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
From the beginning those great sisters set “charity never faileth”1 at the center. The history of the Relief Society is filled with accounts of such remarkable selfless service.
 In the terrible days of persecution and deprivation as the faithful moved across the desert going west, the sisters in their poverty and sorrows cared for others.
You would weep as I have when I read the book “Fearless in the Cause” of some very remarkable women in Church History. You would be touched by their generosity but even more by their faith which lifted and sustained them.
These women were united in their testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ and their commitment to it.
They came from a great diversity of circumstances. All faced the universal trials and heartaches of life. What sets us apart in Relief Society is that no matter where we are located around the world we are of one heart, one mind, and with one intention. We are never released from the sisterhood of the Relief Society no matter what other calling we have in the Church.
The purposes of Relief Society are to
1.    Increase faith and personal righteousness.
2.    Strengthen families and homes
3.    Serve the Lord and His children.
Relief Society was established to help prepare daughters of God for the blessings of eternal life. Latter-day saint women excel in faith, family and relief. We hold the weekly meeting on Sundays and all around the world, thousands of groups of sisters gathered to increase our faith, strengthen our families, and coordinate our efforts to provide relief.
Our service and the relief that we offer are a sign that we are the Lord’s disciples and we are members of His true restored Church. It is a privilege to be part of this worldwide organization for women, whose name describes what we are meant to do: Provide relief. That relief effort was further defined by Elder Widtsoe as “ Relief of poverty, relief of illness, relief of doubt, relief of ignorance, relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of women.” (end of quote)
Our Sunday meetings start by taking care of essential business that will help us be more unified and effective in our Relief Society work, then we proceed with a discussion of a lesson. Just as the sisters in the first Relief Society meetings, we also receive instruction from prophets and apostles, we study the words of Church leaders today. What a blessing it is to have correlated resources that teach doctrine and principles to help us live the gospel in our personal lives and homes. I am honored to teach every 4th Sunday of the month but much of the essential Relief Society work we do doesn’t happen in meetings.  
Why is that? Because the bishop, who is the ordained shepherd of the ward, cannot possibly watch over all the members. He is dependent on inspired visiting teachers and home teachers to help him. Because we follow the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, we value this sacred assignment to love, know, serve, understand, teach, and minister on His behalf.
This is one duty we have in the Church where we are certain to have the help of the Lord if we ask for it. This is one responsibility that is certain to increase our faith and personal righteousness and strengthen our own homes and families as we become partners with the Lord.
 A sister in this Church has no other responsibility outside of her family that has the potential to do as much good as does visiting teaching. How grateful I am for all my visiting teachers who, over the years, have demonstrated their faith as they have served, taught, strengthened, and cared for me.
 I remember at time in my life about 12 years ago when I was going through a heart wrenching trial when my visiting teacher came to see me. She asked me if it would be all right for her husband to give me a blessing so I agreed. All the things that were said in that blessing have come to pass and it was not a coincidence that she felt inspired to come over and ask me if I needed a blessing. I remember sister Camila Kimball saying: “Never suppress a generous thought.” It is our blessing to pray for another sister and receive inspiration as to how the Lord would have us care for one of His daughters.
 Sister Julie Beck describes a time in her life saying: “Years ago when I was newly married my parents announced that they would be moving to another part of the world. One day before she left I sat weeping with her and asked: Who will be my mother? Mother said to me: ‘if I never come back, if you never see me again if I am never able to teach you another thing, you tie yourself to Relief Society. Relief Society will be your mother.”  And speaking about the world we live in today she stated: “In a world of so much confusion where women are bombarded with false messages about their “true-identity” Popular media figures, acting as authorities and spokespersons for women regarding their identity and worth. Those voices offer a counterfeit happiness resulting in misery, and loneliness.” (end of quote)  
In contrast, I will close with the Relief Society declaration!
We are beloved spirit daughters of God,
And our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction.
As a worldwide sisterhood, we are united in our devotion
To Jesus Christ, our Savior and exemplar.
We are women of faith, virtue, vision and charity who:
Increase our testimonies of Jesus Christ
Through prayer and scripture study.
Seek spiritual strength by following the
Promptings of the Holy Ghost.
Dedicate ourselves to strengthening
Marriages, families, and homes.
Find nobility in motherhood
And joy of womanhood.
Delight in service and good works.
Love life and learning.
Stand for truth and righteousness.
Sustain the priesthood
As the authority of God on earth.
Rejoice in the blessings of the temple,
Understand our divine destiny,
And strive for exaltation.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Con amor,

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Human Connection

I like to have people over for dinner and today was special. We invited The Adams who are serving a mission in the legal department and Vic Taylor. His wife went to Utah to be with family, we also invited the Haynies. What a thrill it is to have people over and get to know them better. That human connection only happens when you get out of your comfort zone and start taking. There have been studies done about the healing power of human connection. I blogger even wrote about it. 

“Today started out rough.  I had to deal with a situation related to someone from the past that I once considered to be a friend, but who turned out to be an incredibly dishonest person who did a lot of horrible things that caused a lot of damage to a lot of people. Not exactly a fun way to start your day off.  I came home feeling worn out and not really in the best mood.

Then, as I sat on my computer answering emails tonight I saw an email come in to my box from my son who is out serving a mission.  For those who are not familiar with the rules that missionaries follow, they are only allowed to email home one day a week and then they can call on Mother’s Day and Christmas each year.  As a mother I live for his weekly emails to arrive.  And once in a while, on a rare occasion when I happen to be on my computer right as his email is coming through, I can respond quickly letting him know I am there and we can email back and forth for a few minutes as if we were having a normal conversation with one another.  It has only happened a few times like that over the last 18 months that he has been gone, but when it does it is like my whole world lights up!  Having those few minutes of human connection with someone you love so dearly is better than any gift a person could give you!

After we finished emailing back and forth a few times I sat and thought about how overwhelming the joy you feel is when you connect with another human being you care about.  It has the ability to lift any burden, lessen any anxiety, and put life back into proper perspective.  For me it totally relieved the burdens I had been carrying throughout the day and it once again lifted my spirits and helped me get back to that place of gratitude for the blessings in my life.  All from that one little email exchange with my amazing son.

I was amazed at the power of healing from a simple human connection.

“The needs of the spirit are as crucial to health as those individual organs which make up the body.”   -Florence Nightingale

I decided to do a little research and see if anyone had studied this phenomenon of the healing powers that a human connection can have and sure enough there are tons!  Here are a few powerful examples:

There was a study in which 10,000 men were followed for development of heart disease, and what the study found was that whether or not these men answered “yes” or “no” to the question, “Does your wife show you her love?” predicted the development of angina over the next five years (source: ).

Another study showed that patients receiving cardiac catheterization who either were not married or who did not have a close confidant were three times more likely to die over the next five years than those who had a spouse or close confidant. (source: )

Wow! Human connection really can cure us – spiritually, emotionally, and even physically.  So my advice to everyone today is to go and connect with someone you care about – all it takes is a few minutes of picking up the phone, or typing an email, or sending a text, or dropping by their house, or sending a package.  Do something to connect with a loved one and then see how impactful it is on healing whatever ails you right now.  I can tell you that it did wonders for me tonight! Have a great day! Amy Anderson

I find it very therapeutic to talk to friends and family. I am about to call my mom. And tomorrow morning we will call the kids. It would be their Sunday night and our Monday morning. 

Con amor,