Friday, March 16, 2018

Love is spelled Time

I have come to realize that when I was a young mother, I felt that I needed to work outside the home and maybe it was because that is what I saw my mom do.  It is easy for me to become so incredibly busy the same way my mom was that I can forget to give that same 100% effort to the things that matter the very most in my life:  my husband, our children, our extended family, and my loved ones. 

 I think many of us make that same mistake of forgetting to prioritize our families amongst all the other responsibilities we have in life.  Somehow our families drop to the bottom of the day’s list of to-do’s and if the daytime runs out then they simply don’t get their adequate time from us.  We fail to give our families 100% of our efforts, and that is the biggest failure of all.

And so I have a new resolve to do better to treat my family time with the same 100% effort I give to everything else I do in my life. Tomorrow I am leaving to go to Utah and then to Orlando to be with my mom. I am all packed up and ready to go and couldn't be more excited. I feel so thankful that I have been able to travel back and forth these past years living abroad even when we are so far away. We are only one phone call away and in this case a few flights away. I can't hardly wait. 

Con amor, 

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