Monday, November 18, 2019


I am so determined that what I am about to tell you next will absolutely shock anyone who knows me personally – because those who know me are aware that I HATE to travel alone like I would rather do just about anything besides getting on planes and waiting at airports by myself…I don’t like to sit next to strangers or carry heavy suitcases either! 

So, what I am going to tell you next will shock everyone –   I got off the plane yesterday after coming all the way from Idaho to Dallas and then Buenos Aires. That is a 15 to 20 hour on the air and going back again to do it tomorrow night. Yikes! 

Now this time I am traveling with Daniel and that is much better but still I think I am the only person who is crazy enough to travel back and forth just to spend a few days with the family but the fact that I am willing to do it repeatedly is nothing short of a miracle since for me this is a serious accomplishment considering that I get anxious when I travel alone. 

I even ask Daniel to give me a blessing before I leave so I can be calm and not as nervous and even though I am a little scared at times to experience turbulence I am committed to getting back on a plane again tomorrow why? because I love seeing my family. 

Con amor,

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