Monday, August 25, 2014

Moving out is part of growing up

 This fall many kids left home for good to start the amazing college life. Today was the first day of school for so many kids. I love learning and how exciting it is to see two of my girls completing their College education. Mandy is attending the University of Utah and Bianca went back to school in Idaho to get her Masters. And for those parents I can only say I understand your pain to see your kids go OUCH!  Life will never be quite the same again…..when you become Empty Nesters…..I am one of them.

On one hand it will break your heart…on the other hand, keep telling yourself that this is supposed to be a good thing for them….after all, you accomplished what you were supposed to – It helps me to think how my husband and I both raised ten amazing children who are not only brilliant but have incredible values and great hearts and who are going to be awesome contributors to society and the world around them wherever they are. In a down economy they were offered and promoted to better jobs. To think of it, all have amazing jobs. Andres was promoted to be vice-president for DMBA the youngest vice-president ever. Gabriel has receive awards from his employer Accenture and has moved to Ireland. Pablo was promoted to be the manager for Cintas in Omaha Nebraska. Alejandro is freelancer investor and entrepreneur in Miami. Analia is doing very well as a Physical Therapist in Nebraska. Hernan was hired by Exxon and has moved to Houston. Valentina moved to Dallas to work for Inspire and has had many promotions in her short time with them. Cristi decided to leave her practice to be a full time mother, no better job on this world for her than to be with her two boys. Bianca left New York to work on her Masters and Mandy is still attending the University of Utah. They all have remained faithful in the Church and have so much integrity with incredible character, they are smart and fun and happy and loving and kind and they are all hard workers and the list goes on and on. I can’t think of better children for us.

So to all those sad parents out there, the only thing that is going to get you through this is to continually remind yourself that this is a GREAT thing for them!  I have to remind myself that this is what I wanted for them!  This is what the last 30 plus years of raising them has all been for – to have them become independent adults and see them build lives of their own.  I think I will have to tell that to myself over and over again and for always and next as they move out just to keep myself from falling apart emotionally. Anytime we get separated from loved ones is hard. I remember leaving my mom when I was only 11 to come to live with my aunt Dina in Utah so I could learn English. Leaving the nest is also hard.  I figure that many of you out there reading this have either been through this very situation before or are facing it right now, so hopefully you can understand the emotions I am trying to describe. It is sad for both the child and the parent.

There is no two ways about it, leaving home for our kids as well as going through your kids leaving home is ROUGH!  But it is also a blessing beyond belief and a wonderful thing for our kids.  And they are about to face the most exciting and fun time of their entire lives. It is a fact of life. We all have to move someday. Moving away is part of growing up.

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