Friday, August 8, 2014

That is what friends are for

Today I was looking at some posts on facebook where people wrote of all the fun they were having with their friends going to a Paul McCarney concert. I know I would have gone with Daniel for sure if we had been in Salt Lake but I don't think I would have invited anyone to go with us. We went to Wicked for example and didn't ask anyone if they wanted to come along.

  Could it be that we are not as social as some other people? Those people attending that concert were my neighbors, each Sunday we went to church together for sixteen years, saw each other every Sunday and shared many experiences together but we never went out as couples, they were exclusively our  "ward friends" They had children the same age as us but never were that close.

 I have learned that perhaps my best friend is my husband and how thankful I am to have him in my life. Next come those extended family members like my cousins and last those who I have connected over the years, like my friend Chachis. She is one who I feel is my friend for sure but Daniel does not know her and that is where it gets tricky. He also has his good friends I don't know too well.

At times like this is when I think a second marriage and moving around so much leads to not having close friends, because friends do come and go depending on where you are and what you are doing.  They are part of your life for a time and very few stay your friends forever. I have come to realize that the only forever friends is truly our own family.

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