I was looking at a picture of Brooks and
Cristi posted on facebook while in Mexico. It is something related to Proof products. I
am amazed at this idea he had to start this venture and how far it has gone in
just a few years. I love that entrepreneur spirit the Dames have. It came to mind
a post written by Amy Anderson a couple of years ago about Tony Hseih that I want to share, she
wrote: “Today I was invited to attend the Credit Suisse Entrepreneurs
Conference… For our dinner tonight Tony Hseih, CEO of Zappos.com spoke to
us. Years ago I read Tony’s book “Delivering Happiness” which, by the way,
is an excellent book and a must read for entrepreneurs and leaders. His
understanding of the importance of culture to a company is something I
appreciate tremendously. As a CEO I learned that nothing was as
important to our company’s success as the culture.
Tony shared with us his newest project –
the Downtown Project. His project is a for-profit venture that will
create a ROI (return on investment) by first creating a ROC (return on
community). Tony based his project on the teachings found in
the book by Harvard Economics Professor Edward Glaeser’s called “Triumph of the
City.” Edward’s book suggests that when people live and in close
proximity to one another, the opportunities to interact serendipitously
increase, which increases the sharing of knowledge, ideas and improves
productivity. It goes on to say that a city residential density of at least 100
people per acre combined with ground-level gathering places such as cafes,
interesting small businesses, and public gathering spaces will increase economic
output and community happiness. So Tony is putting the theory to
the test by taking $350 million dollars and investing into real estate
development, residential development, small business, education and a fund for
start-ups that will locate in downtown Vegas. His goal is to transform
Downtown Las Vegas into the most community focused large city in the
world. He wants to create a community where people live, work, play, and
run into each other as much as possible in what he calls “collisions” where
there will be numerous interactions that lead to idea sharing, innovation,
increased productivity, and ultimately increased happiness for the entire
community. The belief is that by focusing on the goal of creating a
happier community money will ultimately follow, but the focus isn’t the money,
it’s the happiness.
Like Tony, I have always believed that
the best way to create wealth isn’t to pursue money – it’s to pursue your
passion and the money will follow. I have seen that firsthand in my
own life. People are motivated and inspired beyond themselves when they
are working for a higher cause – a greater purpose, and when they are driven
toward achieving that purpose they perform better, they are more inclusive and
collaborative, and they feel happier. All of which work toward creating
ultimate wealth of spirit, which inevitably leads to better financial
On the contrary, the moment someone
becomes all about the money itself, their motivations turn selfish and
self-serving and they kill any spirit of collaboration and instead become
competitive (if you win I lose and vice versa), which ultimately leads to
loneliness and isolation and a myriad of other personality issues.
The greatest joy comes when we stop
focusing inward and turn our attention outward. The greatest success
comes from collaboration and inclusion of other. The best way to
achieve greatness is to help everyone around you to achieve
greatness. The best way to be happy yourself is to make everyone
around you happy!
I am really proud of Tony’s
example. He has made a tremendous amount of money and if he wanted to he
could sit back and do nothing but spend his wealth doing silly things.
But instead of doing that he is looking for ways to make the world a better place,
starting with his own community. He is focused entirely on helping others
around him. His goals are massive and his drive and passion are
contagious. Thank you Tony for setting that example.
Now it’s up to all of us to follow suit and get out there and make the
world a better place by making everyone HAPPY!” and thank you Amy Anderson for sharing your
insights, always so informative and uplifting and I sincerely hope you and all
those who think like you are able to share their talents with others. I hope
the best for Brooks and the Dame brothers as they come up with the most
incredible ideas doing good. They donate a good portion of their profits to charity. If you haven’t check out Proof eyewear, DO!!
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