Thursday, February 26, 2015

Credits and Debits

Today I am sorting through papers and cleaning my paper world. A task I have been putting off for too long and I have to admit it, it's my least favorite thing to do. Taxes!! I am leaving town tomorrow and need to send all the documentation needed to do my taxes to the tax guy when I get back. There is no way we could possible figure out how to do them. I am so grateful for people CPA's who can figure things out.

As I was sorting through things, I found some credits from credit cards and medical bill I had over paid and this thought came to mind. Life is all about ups and downs. credits and debits. Everything we do has debits and credits not just our balance sheets! For instance, take eating: You add calories when you eat and you subtract calories when you exercise. The balance of the two will make you gain wait or stay slim.  There is no magic formula, it's that simple is what you put in your mouth vs. what your body burns that is subtracted or added.

 Another example: In a relationship with other humans, you give and take. If a relationship is one sided, where you only give, and give and give, or only take and take and take, it's not healthy. I think for a friendship to be balanced it needs to go both ways. Sometimes I do something for you, other times you do something for me. I think that also works with parenting, you keep putting a lot of deposits into your emotional account that when you need to  do a withdrawal to discipline, it won't damage the relationship because there is enough left in the account.

But my favorite of all is keeping a balanced budget. I love numbers, and watching how I am saving money and how my money grows without being obsessive about saving every little dime, as a matter of fact, I can't stand people like that. I am at a point in my life that I want to enjoy the little bit of extra money we get each moth and also to be generous now I am in a position,  although I am not rick,  to give more than what I am taking. I love to think I am contributing in someone's life by giving a generous fast offering.  I feel so blessed and hope that people with influence, money and power out  there will do something to bless  the lives of others. I love the feeling of going to bed at night knowing that all the bills have been paid and  that the only debt we carry is the mortgage on our homes. I would  hate it if at this time in my life, when we supposed to be caretakers,  my  husband would be out of work and destitute. This has happed to people you wouldn't even think it could happen, they are smart with incredible skills but they got old and no one wants them. I am grateful for my husband's employment with the best people in the whole world.

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