you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion
will lead you right into your purpose.”
can all find something we are passionate about in life. And hopefully we have
many things we are passionate about. The key is to figure out what they are.
Some we come to recognize quickly, but others we won’t recognize until we are
willing to try a few things.
example of a passion that comes easy for many is a passion for food. A
funny thing happened the other day which evidenced my son’s passion for food:
received a text the other day from my son who is attending college and enjoying
his time getting to know the ladies and dating for the purpose of hoping to one
day find his future wife. The text contained a quote he felt was awesome advice
for how to choose the girl to marry. The quote said, “Marry the one who gives
you the same feeling you get when you see food coming at a restaurant.”
(Clearly a man wrote that quote…). I chuckled when I read it and
forwarded it to a few friends I thought would get a chuckle from it too. I
received a reply to the group text from one of the men who replied to the
group, “That’s not a fair comparison, no offense to any of our spouses but no
human can replicate that feeling!” Clearly both my son and the other man
have a great passion for food and I doubt it was difficult for them to identify
that passion 

times finding your passion isn’t quite as obvious. For example when I started
my career I had a passion for leadership, but I would never have guessed that I
would end up having a passion for designing software systems. Had I not been
faced with a situation where I was looking for a software system to handle
certain things in a medical office and couldn’t find one that did the things I
wanted I would likely have never sat down with my first piece of graph paper
and started drawing the screens for a software system I would end up developing
through my own company. I discovered that passion by attempting something new,
and finding that as I drew on paper the ideal system and then oversaw it
actually come to life as a software program it was exhilarating. It didn’t feel
like work at all because I had a passion for doing it.
be discouraged if you find yourself feeling like there is nothing your
passionate about – if you feel that way it means you just have tried enough new
things. Get out there and try things – even things you would never expect to be
passionate about. You may find yourself surprised the same way I was. But you
will never find it unless you get out there and do things….so get moving!"
I truly believe in her words because all our children have found their passion and they are all very good at what they do and have found employment at what they love to do. What a blessing that is for us parents to know our children are happy doing what they love. I also have discovered that I love to teach Institute, the reward you get from teaching young adults is the best!!
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