Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Today is April 15th a.k.a.Tax day.

Tax day is here!
 When I was in Peru last month our guide told us that the Incans were self-reliant because they didn't pay any taxes. Wow, that got me thinking... so considering that it is tax day today, April 15th I want to share the following blog post:

"So it’s tax day April 15th.  Oh my gosh there is just no way to say that without bringing everyone’s mood down into the dumpster.  So for my blog today I thought I would put together a list of suggestions of things you can do to help get over the sadness and gloom that comes with Tax day, and that can help bring the HAPPY back into life again!  So here goes:

Take a walk outside if the weather is nice enough.  Breathe in the fresh crisp air and notice the little blossoms growing on the trees.  As you walk think about the fact that summer will be coming very soon, with all of the boating on the lake, the BBQs, and the yummy picnics.  Have I told you that I LOVE SUMMER! Cause I do.  I love it.
 Make a big mug of hot cocoa…and add the squirty whipped cream onto a huge mountain on top so there is no way to drink it without getting whipped cream all over your face.  Love it.
 Sit down and watch a Disney Movie.  Tangled is my personal favorite with the Little Mermaid as a close second,but who am I kidding, they are all amazing! And it is virtually impossible to watch a Disney movie without smiling :).
 Call someone you love and let them know you need a good dose of cheering up.  Tell each other jokes.  Laugh.  Be silly.  Laugh some more.
 Cuddle up with an animal…I prefer dogs, but I suppose a cat would do as well.  If all you have is a pet fish then please borrow someone else’s dog or cat instead, as fish don’t do so well with the whole cuddling thing.
 Make a batch of homemade cookies!  Or if you want the easy route you can just go to the store and buy the premade cookie dough in the package and then bring it home and pop it o the old cookie sheet and bake em…okay, so total honesty here – like seriously, I can’t remember the last time that a packet of raw cookie dough that I bought ever actually made its way onto the pan to get cooked – truth be told, the raw dough is FAB-U-LOUS!  So yeah, that works too.
 One of my personal favorite ideas is to put on some happy music and DANCE!  Nothing can change your mood faster than a happy tune to sing and dance along to.  Nothing.  I love fun music.  Love it!  First put on a song like “We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister and dance out your anger and aggression about paying your taxes.  Then pop in “I Will Survive”  by Gloria Gaynor, and then bring it home as you dance around the room to “Feel This Moment” by Pitbull (featuring Christina Aguilera)…you will be amazed how great you feel after having your own little dance party!
Put on your comfiest sweats or PJs.  I personally like to don my “jummpin’ jammerz”
one piece zipper blanket.  Yes, you heard me right, it is like a zipper blanket for babies, but it’s made for adults too and they are the most amazingly comfortable outfit in the world.  Oh, and they even have a little iphone pocket built into the sleeve on the arm so your phone stays right with you.  If you don’t believe me then Google them and see for yourself.   I cannot say enough good things about how comfy these bad boys are…just like my husband can’t say enough bad things about how totally unattractive they are. But hey, it’s tax day and they will make you feel better so get into your jammies, grab the hot cocoa and raw cookie dough, and DANCE your way to the TV to watch your Disney movie!  Oh, yeah, and leave the pet fish in his bowl where he belongs…

 Yes, it’s Tax Day, but the good news is that it will be over after tomorrow night at midnight when you can no longer postmark your envelopes, and then it will be behind us for an entire year!!  YIPEEE!  Now that is something to be happy about" ~Amy

Isn't she cute!  I for one, will be calling my son-in-law Brooks because it's his birthday...
two,  will be working on my Institute class...
three, will  work on a scrapbook I am making to give as a graduation present...
four I will get a massage...
five, I will go to Zumba for sure!

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