Sunday, January 31, 2016

Area Counsel

Today we were invited to attend the Area Counsel. They meet every so often with the Area Seventies. I love attending these incredible meetings! The choice men and women in that room are incredibly sweet. I love spending time with them because there is a special spirit that ca only be felt when you are among them. We had our sacrament service there and got to listen to amazing testimonies and talks by sister and Elder Bowen. They spoke on faith and why is it that some  get it and some don't. Another was about how to stay strong despite our trials and another about the growth of the Church. Sister Bowen talked about our Father in Heaven and how familiar he will be someday to us. Elder Bowen spoke on repugnance and even showed a video clip of one os his talks.

But what stuck with me the most today was the light that radiated from all of them today. I love it when you can look at a person and literally see in their countenance that hey are a good person with a good heart. It is undeniable when it radiates from within them and that was the case with the Elders I met today.

Radiating from within don't come as a result of power or position or money or even physical beauty. Radiating from within comes from being a person of integrity whois trying to do the right things combines with a desire to serve others selflessly. And when someone radiates light they are like a magnet that attracts others to them. What I love about people who radiate from within is that they cause everyone else around them to have the desire too also radiate light. Today that is what those Elders did for me and I hope some of that light gets rubbed off on me.

Con amor,

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Baptism for two

Today we went to a baptism for two kids in our ward. Carter and Valentina. Daniel got to be Valentina's witness and that was special. Valentina and her family just moved from Chile and can't speak a word of English except of the dad, so part of the meeting was in Spanish, I wanted to see a little bit how it was done so I could give my sister ideas of how she can do Manu's baptism next month.

What I love about the baptismal talks now days is that they come with props that mean something. Things like: A Teddy bear to bear each other burdens, a washcloth to clean our sins, a water bottle since we get immerse in the water, a hand stretch so we can get our spirit even stronger, hearts to be able to repent and let us know what is true and a  blanket for comfort from the Holy Ghost. Got the picture? When you are asked to give a talk as a child is baptized this is expected or your talk is going to sound boring and lame. I will keep this in mind if I ever get asked.

Daniel and I took some photos I will use to make a page on a scrapbook album I will give as a gift to Valentina.

Con amor,

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Weight of a glass

I collect good stories and this is one I saw posted on a blog I want to share. The story didn’t have an author.

The Weight of the Glass

Once upon a time a psychology professor walked around on a stage while teaching stress management principles to an auditorium filled with students.  As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they’d be asked the typical “glass half empty or glass half full” question.  Instead, with a smile on her face, the professor asked, “How heavy is this glass of water I’m holding?”

 Students shouted out answers ranging from eight ounces to a couple pounds.

She replied, “From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn’t matter.  It all depends on how long I hold it.  If I hold it for a minute or two, it’s fairly light.  If I hold it for an hour straight, its weight might make my arm ache a little.  If I hold it for a day straight, my arm will likely cramp up and feel completely numb and paralyzed, forcing me to drop the glass to the floor.  In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me.”

As the class shook their heads in agreement, she continued, “Your stresses and worries in life are very much like this glass of water.  Think about them for a while and nothing happens.  Think about them a bit longer and you begin to ache a little.  Think about them all day long, and you will feel completely numb and paralyzed – incapable of doing anything else until you drop them.”

The moral:  It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses and worries.  No matter what happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down.  Don’t carry them through the night and into the next day with you.  If you still feel the weight of yesterday’s stress, it’s a strong sign that it’s time to put the glass down.

I hope someday I can let go of some “weight” I have been carrying for much too long.

Con amor,

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wonder Woman

“ I leaned that courage was not the absence of fear but he triumph over it. The brave man is not one who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear,” Nelson Mandela

Today I went to a baby shower for two ladies in our ward. The person hosting the shower got sick last minute so it had to be moved to Alma’s home. She is the Relief Society President.  She is someone you can count on. She came to the rescue as a super hero. She got her home ready and it all turned out as if she was the one planning this shower for months.

In Relief Society Alma shared some issues she was having with her faith but decided to have courage. It takes courage to put on our capes and do something. It takes courage to stand up for what’s right. It takes courage to speak out in support of what you believe. Especially when you have to stand alone. And especially when many are coming against you.

Alma is a doer, not just a thinker, I like women like Alma who finds the time to serve. Today she became our wonder Woman and saved the day!

Con amor,

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Book Club

 Today was the book club activity. The book we need to be reading is “The Hundred Foot Journey” that was also made into a movie. I don’t have a copy of a book but I do remember watching the movie. The other ladies there also hadn't read it so we only discussed it briefly and went into many other topics. 

I love reading because it enhances your imagination. If is a good read, it elevates you to a higher level. I love the creative way that people put thoughts on paper. I once took a creative writing class and I do hope someday I get skilled enough to write a story but for now I just read! My English Professor at BYU shared this in class in 2006 and one of these days I will share a few poems and short stories I wrote in her class.  

“We played every game we knew. We ran up and down the hall. We played “find me” behind the couch. We bounced the beach ball off each other’s heads. We wrestled, played tag, and danced. It was a big evening for Mom, Dad, and little Jenna. We were having so much fun that we ignored the bedtime hour and turned off the T.V. And if the storm hadn’t hit, who knows how late we would have played.

 But then the storm hit. Rain pattered, then tapped, then slapped against the windows. The winds roared in off the Atlantic and gushed through the nearby mountains with such force that all the power went off. The adjacent valley acted as a funnel, hosing wind on the city. We all went into the bedroom and lay on the bed. In the darkness we listened to the divine orchestra. Electricity danced in the sky like a conductor’s baton summoning the deep kettledrums of thunder.

 I sensed it as we were lying on the bed. It blew over me mixed with the sweet fragrance of fresh rain. My wife was lying silently at my side. Jenna was using my stomach for her pillow. She, too, was quiet. Our second child, only a month from birth, rested within the womb of her mother. They must have sensed it, for no one spoke. It entered our presence as if introduced by God himself. And no one dared stir for fear it would leave prematurely.

What was it? An eternal instant.

An instant in time that had no time. A picture that froze in mid- frame, demanding to be savored. A minute that refused to die after sixty seconds. A moment that was lifted off the time line and amplified into a forever so all the angels could witness its majesty.

An eternal instant.

A moment that reminds you of the treasures surrounding you. Your home. Your peace of mind. Your health. A moment that tenderly rebukes you for spending so much time on temporal preoccupations such as savings accounts, houses, and punctuality. A moment that can bring a mist to the manliest of eyes and perspective to the darkest life.

Eternal instants have dotted history.
It was an eternal instant when the Creator smiled and said, “It is good.” It was a timeless moment when Abraham pleaded for mercy from the God of mercy, “But if there are just ten faithful.” I was a moment without time when Noah pushed open the rain-soaked hatch and breathed in the clean air. And it was a moment in the “fullness of time” when a carpenter, some smelly shepherds, and an exhausted, young mother stood in silent awe at the sight of the infant in the manger.

Eternal instants.

You’ve had them. We all have. Sharing a porch swing on a summer evening with your grandchild. Seeing her face in the glow of the candle. Putting your arm into your husband’s as you stroll through the golden leaves and breathe the brisk autumn air. Listening to your six-year-old thank God for everything from goldfish to Grandma. Such moments are necessary because they remind us that everything is okay. The King is still on the throne and life is still worth living. Eternal instants remind us that love is still the greatest possession and the future is nothing to fear. The next time an instant in your life begins to be eternal, let it. Put your head back on the pillow and soak it in. Resist the urge to cut it short. Don’t interrupt the silence or shatter the solemnity. You are, in a very special way, on holy ground. ”  
 by Max Lucado


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

RIP Officer Barney

Last week as I read the Deseret News one day, I learned that another officer had been killed   near our neighborhood so this struct right at home. leaving a wife and three children. At his funeral today it is expected to be attended by hundreds of people who want to pay their respects. Sad to think how so many officers get killed every year. Their profession is becoming more and more dangerous. A woman wrote this note on her Facebook page that I want to share because she stated a lot of things I have been thinking also. 

"There I was. Driving home from errands, thinking I had so many important things to do still. I need to grocery shop. Did I mail that check? Should I attend that Sundance party? I can't believe I'm starting a new business tomorr--- MY MIND INSTANTLY STOPPED. CHILLS.
Chills ran through my whole body as I took in the scene before me.
...Both sides of the road were lined in American Flags as far as the eye could see. I followed the flags for miles- all the way to the Orem cemetery where I saw them cover the whole landscape. 
Hundreds of them. They stood in solemn silence like soldiers watching the grave...
Officer Barney was buried today.
He was only 44. Had a wife and three teenagers. The obituary said he was warm and funny, quick with a joke, and loved children and babies.
He died (was shot) in service.
I looked at the flags and thought of three teenagers who lost their father.
I thought about his wife, his mother, his siblings, and his 23 nieces and nephews...
It was dark already. The street lamps threw light on the freshly fallen snow. It was beautiful. I sat in my car in silence for a good 20 minutes.
...And I could not remember even one item on my "important" list of things to do.
I only thought about what matters most. My family. My children. My neighbors and friends. Love. Friendship. Laughter and Hugs.
I could not wait to get home to love my children to pieces.
Thank you Officer Barney. Thank you for you service. Thank you for living a life to be proud of. I pray for your family and children. I can't imagine what they are going through.
Hug your kids everyone. Hug your spouse. Hug your parents and siblings and friends.
Throw away that 'to do' list, and savor every moment of your beautiful life.
Love to All."
Michelle Cope

She took  the words out of my mouth. I had this same feeling when I heard of the passing of Damian Romera. He was a young strong man and all of the sudden he was gone. I was busy with Mandy's wedding when I heard the news and for a moment all those details and preparation didn't seemed all that important compare to what his family was  going through. 

Con amor,

Monday, January 25, 2016

Antonio's in Manila

There is something unique about a Restaurant close to our house that revolves around and around the whole city of Manila. It is located on the 35th floor and it happens to be at walking distance from our home. It is what I would call it, our Antonio's in Manila.

Antonio's was an Argentine restaurant we frequented in Santo Domingo mainly because it served meat and was located right across from our apartment. This is an international type restaurant and their claim to fame is that the Pope ate there.  It has great food and great ambiance too.

This is going to become our second home. We invited people from the office to eat here for dinner and like always. It was excellent! What we like about people here in Manila is that no matter where you go, the service is excellent! People are so nice and humble. They are trained to do anything to make sure you are a happy customer. When we got inside the restaurant we noticed our party of twelve had to be decided into two separate tables but since we wanted to be seated together, they found another set of tables to sit us in What I have learned about people in the Philippines is that they are very service oriented and they love foreigners like us. Nice!

Con amor,

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Feast for five

Today we invited some people from Salt Lake to have dinner with us. Even though there were only three guests, we made dinner for an Army. The menu was Enchilada casserole, rice, beans, salad, fruit, potato salad, pico de gallo, bread, brownies, ice-cream etc. It felt good to entertain and meet new people from headquarters, However, this was an impromptu invitation we hadn't even planned.

We went to Church and right there and there, we invited these fellow to our home to eat. From there we came home to eat. I never have invited people right after Church to eat because there is so much to do in the kitchen. Usually we say, come around this or that time, or whenever we  think we would be ready but this time they came with us.

On the way home I was feeling a little bit of panic and anxious since I didn't know exactly what we were going to fix. I would suggest something to Daniel but he wasn't rue so we kept going back and forth what to make for them.  At times, it almost seemed like we were arguing and that is not a good thing to do when you have company that don't even know you.

I realize that I have a problem  with going into panic. I literarily shut down from bing productive and rational. It causes me to become so focused on the fact you are feeling panic that you can't focus on resolving the issues that caused you to panic in the first place. Panic stems from your thoughts. And the best way I have found to overcome panic is self talk-- Literally you  need to couch yourself to settle down and to take a deep breath because no matter what,  it's going to be o.k.

 I was worried they would be waiting too long for our dinner so I wanted to start making some quesadillas as an appetizer but that would take away precious time from making the meal so I had to think of exactly what I needed to get done and start on the most critical thing first.

I have to talk to myself when I get this panic attack even if it seemed juvenile but it works for me. I tell myself. Veronica focus and do those must do things first! It works! It helps me to stop and step away from the panic and go into "matter of the fact mode" which is the voice of reason reminding me that I can get through this if I just take it one step at a time....reminding me that it is going to be okay if I just stop panicking and start focusing.

And so Daniel made the rice and everything he is an expert of making and I forced myself to get completely focused on those other salads and trimmings I know how to make. We both worked hard in the most hyper-focused manner that we have ever worked in a very long time. I started busting out one dish after another. completing one by one and immediately beginning the next. One hour later. Dinner was ready!  We had a amazingly wonderful dinner and that is something to be proud of.

Con amor,

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Trip to Taal

We had gone to see this volcano in the past but never climbed it. This time I had the opportunity to actually do some climbing. The missionaries invited us to join in but Daniel had to stay home and work so I went on my own.

It was hot, the heat made it truly hard and at one point I felt that I was about to faint. I had noticed that I wasn't the only one in the group feeling this way but  they were a lot older than me. I knew I could do it. I needed more water than what I had brought with me. Lucky for me, at the precise time that I felt like I was about to pass out, we came to the top and there, I found people selling water, other drinks including cold coconut. I love the juice of fresh coconut. What a treat this was! Over all this is what I learned from this experience.

Sometimes in life we have to do hard things that seemed almost impossible. I for one couldn't believe how some people hike this volcano every day. The guide does and many other people in that village however, I was feeling so tired. Even though I love to hike. I very much enjoy it, but why was it so hard this time around. Could it be that I am getting older?

There is something so inspiring about people who go up against the odds, who give the very best, and who continue giving their best to the bitter end. I felt I gave it all I had till the bitter end and I made it to the top without fainting which was at one point my worry. Now I have learned to bring more water than you think you would need and perhaps next time I will not experience the fatigue.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Our scape to Pico del Loro

For Daniel's birthday we went to Pico del Loro's Resort. It was a very short stay of one night but well worth it. We got up the next morning and walked to the beach. I gave him a  note with several coupons for facials, massages, pedicures and manicures. I also made him a scrapbook of 61 things and sayings from him. This is exactly what I posted on Facebook. 

Happy birthday mi amore!
You are now officially a 60 something! !
Spending time with you I realize that you are a model of honesty, generosity, funny, playful, kind, sweet, considerate, and absolutely positively, incredibly, amazing! You are perfect for me.
These are 61 things I learned from you over the time I have been so honored to be your wife:

1.    Express gratitude in prayer as you start your day.
 2.    Stand up for what you believe is true.
     3.    Admit to your mistakes.
     4.    Be an example for your children to follow.
     5.    Remember that everyone has problems.
 6.    Practice generosity.
     7.    Go to bed early and early to rise.
     8.    Never go to bed angry, kiss and make up.
     9.  Vowed to be faithful.
    10.Set priorities of good, better and best.
11. Celebrate Holidays with family.
    12. Value education.
    13. Eat together as a family.
    14. Vacations don't have to be extravagant to have fun.
    15. Compete but always play fair.
    16. Learn from others mistakes.
    17. Do the math; count your blessings.
    18. Spend time with you kids.
    19. Be a doer. Deeds are better than words.
    20. It’s never too late to start a new tradition.
    21. Overcome difficulties.
    22. Choose to do those hard things first.
    23. Go the extra mile.
    24. Value hard work.
    25. Be always honest.
    26. Have integrity.
    27. Be prepared to do hard things.
    28. Treat people below you with dignity and respect.
    29. Share what you know to your children.
    30. White lies are still lies.
    31. Treat others, as you want to be treated.
    32. Never pretend to be something you are not.
    33. Keep your word no matter what.
    34. Develop your talents as an offering to the Lord.
    35. Make your family a priority.
    36. Know Jesus and His Father, our Father in Heaven.
   37. Invite the Spirit into our home.
   38. Be aware of Satan, he is real.
   39. Hold on to the Iron Rod.
   40. Be seekers of truth. Earn your own testimony.
   41. Read the scriptures daily.
   42. Live the Gospel.
   43. Do something you love doing every day.
   44. Call your mother often.
   45. Take pictures to preserve memories.
   46. To find a good friend, be a good friend.
  47. Parenting is the most important thing you’ll ever do.
  48. Be neat, clean and orderly.
  49. Be humble.
  50. Pray, fast and follow the Spirit.
  51. Be optimistic.
  52. Serve others.
  53. Always remember Him at all times and in all places.
  54. Never stop learning new things.
  55. The most important things in our home are the people.
  56. Be obedient.
  57. Whatever you choose to be...Be a good one!
  58. Be punctual.
  59. Forgive quickly.
  60. Faith is the ability to not panic.
  61. Don’t worry, it will all work out.

My gift to you is me, your Verito. I am so happy we get to spend this day together. “ The best gift you can give someone is your time.” I love you forever!!