Happy New Year!
I knew when I was coming back from Salt Lake that I was in trouble. I was sitting on the plane from Dallas to Hong kong (a sixteen and a half hour flight) when my body was starting to show signs of getting sick. I thought Oh no, not again?
For the past three weeks I had pushed my body way too hard. For some reason I had almost no sleep at all. I don't know if it was all the excitement of Christmas and seeing the kids and grandkids and my mom and sister coming into town or the time difference but I was never able to relax and my nights turn into days and my days turned to days also. I hardly ever slept.
I woke up sick in Hong Kong on New Years day. ( we missed the connection the night before) Actually to think of it, we never sleep that night as we went to bed at 3:00a.m.and had to be up by 4:00 a.m. I could tell my body was once more reacting from all the stress I had put on it. I woke up so sick it wasn't even funny and I knew It would be a long flight to Manila but not only that, we were the first ones checking in so we would have time relaxing at the VIP room we were given but what was our surprised that we couldn't get on the plane without our luggage. They told us that the airline in charge of our bags dropped the ball and never handed them our gags. They couldn't check us in until that problem got resolved. Two hours later talking to multiple people, we were on our way to the gate as they were boarding. Too much for spending some time in the VIP room at the airport.
However, to compensate from all stress of missing the flight the night before and our bags possibly not arriving when we got home, we were greeted by three people. One from the airport, one from the travel agency and one from our office. They made sure we got the VIP treatment at the airport which was wonderful.
At home for the past couple of days I have been mostly in bed with a bottle of Nyquil, or Sudafed and a box of tissues. No fun at all since Sunday was my birthday. I have discovered how a dread being sick. I feel like a caged animal when I have to stay in bed thinking of all the things I could be doing but can't. This is the reason why this letter is a day late. I usually write it on Mondays the way missionaries write to their families.
Missing Church is the worst! Being sick is something I don't have time for. I was feeling a little sorry for myself until I opened my Facebook page and saw over 190 posts of people wishing me a happy birthday and this made my day.
My dear friend Isa from High School wrote: "Being sick is just a way your body is reminding you to slow down so the rest of us can catch up to you."
I love people who find a way to make you laugh when you are feeling down. Hope I can bring some laughter to someone in need and I should stop feeling sorry for myself. This is what I need to be focusing on.
At the end of the day what matters is that we had a fantastic time this past Christmas. We were so pleased with how everything turned out. I am so grateful we were able to spend some time with most of our family members. Hope 2016 will be even better!
We love you and miss you!
Con amor,
Con amor,

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