Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What gift to buy?

"The great gift you can give someone is your time. Because when you give your time you are giving a portion of your life that will never get back."

When I read that quote the other day it made me feel a little better because I have been tossing and turning at night and my brain working all day to try to find and figure out the perfect gift to give to a guy that has everything, my husband.  His birthday is tomorrow Thursday January 21 but it has been impossible to find him something because when he wants something he just goes and gets it. So finding him a gift is impossible!

Last year I made an album of 60 things I love about Daniel. I could attempt to give him something like that again like an ABC album about him but I am running out of time so when I saw this quote I can now think and figure out the best present. I will write down this quote on a card and tell him that his birthday present is spending time with me. Perfect!

We are going to spend time at Pico Sands Hotel and Resort! That morning I have to be attending a luncheon and will head out to the beach as soon as I get back from the luncheon,  which brings me to the next point, should I even be attending that luncheon? I have RSVP and taking someone else but those are the things that sometimes get in the way of truly putting your family first.

Time is precious, make it wisely!

Con amor,

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