That should be a fun activity to be involved in but the question is, should this be in English or Spanish? if it's done in Spanish it would just be a collection of recipes for members only to buy for their families. If it's done in English like Silvia's Book (An Expat guide to living in Manila) it is for anyone who knows English to be able to buy. Or it can be done in both languages. That I think will have to be decided when the times comes.
I met Estefanie Duenas from El Salvador, she has been here for eight years. Her husband works in the Asian Bank. They have a 15 month old baby girl. Her mother is from Germany, her father is from El Salvador and she is married to a fellow from Italy. She grew up in El Salvador but the parents have divorced so the only ties she has to El Salvador is her father who still lives there. She was coming in as we were entering the home too and when she told me she was from El Salvador I couldn't believe what a great coincidence that was. She seemed very nice. There are a few other women there from Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica that usually come to this. There is a girl in our ward from Honduras that sometimes comes.
Most of the women in this group have young children. I would say the average is about 40. this would be a perfect group for my little sisters. Mari or Vanessa. Two things I don't relate all that much is that I don't have kids at home and I don't enjoy drinking like they do. Next time I would like to know anyone there who is an empty nester like me.
The food as always was wonderful and plenty of it so no diet for me today. I invited Silvia from our ward who is new here from Uruguay and married to a Chilean so it turned out to be a fun activity for both of us after all.
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