I found my CERTIFICATE OF NATURALIZATION the other day and as I looked at the photo in that certificate, I see a woman that had up to that point only good fortune. I was young and beautiful. My skin was soft and I was thin. At age 27, I was happily married with two beautiful daughters. Cristi was six and Bianca was almost two. I had a cute home on 2958 Metropolitan Way in Salt Lake City (Prestigious East side area) and I worked so hard at the shop. It was right before our move to Tucson Arizona. The world was no innocent back then and sometimes I wish I could go back in time.
Today the world is very confused and chaotic. I've been thinking about this wonderful country, I am a citizen of, The United States of America and how it has changed. Many people like me moved to this country with nothing but what they had on their backpack and perhaps not even that. They came to the U. S because honestly it is the greatest country in the entire world the only place you can make your big dreams come true.
When I heard of the Republican platform, it was a breath of fresh air compared to the socialist men who are now running or I should say destroying what is left of my country. I don't believe in handouts and taxing people to death. I believe in becoming self- reliant. I believe in Free enterprise getting the government off your back, lowering taxes and strengthening the military. I believe in the life of the unborn child that no one is there to protect his rights. But on the other hand, I believe in taking care of our climate and I am peaceful. I hate guns and I think this country is getting too violent of people who should never be allow to cary a gun.
So you see, I am neither a Democrat or Republican. I am a thinker! However, I think too much irrevocable damage has been done already that no Republican or Democrat could ever fix the deep weakness and economic devastation and the terrorist scars left by one attack after another and not to mention the family. Why on earth have we gotten to the point that we don't even know what a family looks like anymore? A family is ordained of God. How on earth do we not understand our divine nature? We were made in His image? There is clearly a male and female as the only two options. There was never an "other. " I long for that time in my life when things were so simple and not so confusing. I can only say, that the only way I can stay sane is to not listen to the noise the world yells at us constantly but to the still small voice which only speaks truth.
Con amor,
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