Sunday, June 5, 2016

A legend has died

Over the weekend Muhammed Ali passed away. He was 74 with parkinson desease. He was two years younger than my mother. I have noticed that people suffering from Parkinson's die much younger. My mother remembers in 1975 when she was staying in the same hotel in Manila when she took a photo with him before he went to the ring. I hope she finds that picture.

He was funny and became an inspiration for so many. There are people like him in our lives that lift us up when we are down or help us through when times are tough. There are people in our lives who make us laugh and smile and make us feel better about ourselves. There are people in our lives that tell us we can do it when we feel like we want to quit or give up. There are people in our lives that take the time to tell us that we matter. There are people in our lives that stand as constant reminder that a God loves us because o the way they spread love to everyone they come in contact with. Muhammed Ali was one of those type of people.

He tells of a story when he had just won a gold medal and wanted to be served at a restaurant but couldn't because he was black. They told him: "We don't serve negroes." He discovered acceptance and found value in Islam according to him. I am so glad we have moved past that era and treat people of all races with respect and no longer have those ridiculous laws.

Con amor,

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