Monday, June 6, 2016

Directors' Seminar

Directors' seminar!

Last week was the directors’ seminar (From May 30 to June 3 at pico del loro resort. It was a treat for us and very fun, informative but overall inspiring. It culminated with a temple session and a devotional by Elder Ardern.)

 Like always I come so edified and ready to take on the world! The seminar was so much fun; it even included a crucial conversation workshop, Zumba and water color painting for the spouses.
For the last dinner we also had singing and dancing. Kareoke is big here in the Philippines.  The last day at the resort we went on a boat ride around the island to look at some caves and the fish.

We concluded with a temple session and a devotional by Elder Ardern of the Seventy. He is ending his time here in Manila so I paid very closed attention to what he had prepared for us.
Before he spoke Daniel also spoke and quoted President Hinckley and President Monson back in 1996 and turned the time to Elder Ardern. He started his devotional by saying: “I think of an 18 wheeler truck when I think of you. Each of those 18 wheels (Directors) are very important to make the journey. Each of you is just as important but it is not enough to be the wheel we need every wheel turning. Doing what you are asked to do."

He gave us ten things every leader must do to be an effective successful leader:

1.    Speak up! When he was called as a General Authority and was about to say his testimony, President Monson spoke from the back and said: “speak up” This meant that whatever he had to say was important enough to speak up.
2.    Be approachable! People need to know that you are accessible and that you will lead from the front. Leadership has to start at the top. Employees want a boss who is real and human and one who cares. The more approachable you are the more the employees get behind you and will support you. When things are not going well "ask the manager" like "ask the missionaries" from Elder Nelson talk. 
3.    Open door policy and open mind too! In order to be successful you must create an environment that encourages the contribution and open sharing of information. Be the person people feel they can come to. Don't be trapped in your office. You need to be out and about.
4.    Be behind the scenes! Work for the collective good for the organization without worrying too much of who gets the glory. Create a culture where people come to know and care about one another’s success. Make others look good. 
5.    Be consistent! We need to always follow policy. The Lord was always consistent.
6.    Be willing to help! Be awesome and go the extra mile. There is something magical that happens when you are engaged and invested in the company.
7.    Train your replacement! A good leader finds talent to train as his replacement.
8.    A sense of humor! Have a sense of humor and find enjoyment in what you do. Keep a good attitude.
9.    Be kind! Treat people you lead with kindness. Every person needs to be treated with respect.
10. Correct in private! Don’t be afraid to give private direction when you are aware that something is wrong. Praise in public and correct in private. To leave a battle undone creates chaos.

He said that the reason why we are asked to read the scriptures is because in there we find all the wisdom needed to better our lives but we need to read with a concept in mind of what we are looking for. Example: 1 Nephi 17:3-9 when read with the intent of finding qualities of a good leader. Here are examples of what we will find. He asked us to read those verses and asked: What are some leadership principles we learn in those verses as we highlight those words?

V3 “Strengthen” To strengthen the staff so they may accomplish their work.
V6 “Rejoice” Find joy in leading your team.
V7 “Arise” Arise to accomplish the tasks of the day.
V7 “Prayer” Pray for inspiration
V7 “Mountain” Find the one place you go for inspiration. The mountain can be a place in your home or the temple.
V8 “Construct” we need to be the builders not the destroyers.
V8 “Tools” Know the tools available to you to do your work.

He concluded by saying: “Let’s be the managers that follow the Lord. We can take the knowledge from the secular world and the knowledge we find in the scriptures and marry them together to be the best managers we can be.”

After he said those words and bore his testimony I gave the closing prayer and as I was praying I felt so grateful for the opportunity and privileged I had to be there.

Con amor,

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