Saturday, July 30, 2016

Chapter 18 (part three)

What is unique about Utah? I believe it is the people moving into it! At home in El Salvador, I was the only Mormon among my friends, in my neighborhood, and in my school. Even my parents were not members. I wanted so much to belong! Ironically, in 1978 Utah had few Hispanics. Today, according to the latest census, there are over 400,000 Hispanics in Utah.3 That makes Utah feel more like home. 

Utah has a unique component not found anywhere else in the United States. For many Hispanics, Utah is “Zion,” the center place for gathering members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). Not all Hispanics moving into Utah are Mormons, but a good percentage belongs to the Church, with the exception of Mexicans, who are primarily Catholic.  The farther Hispanics have traveled to get to Utah, the more likely they came because of the LDS Church.

To be continued...

Con amor,

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