Today was Elder and sister Ardern's farewell and devotional. The people at the office outdid them this time. I couldn't believe all the preparation they went trough to make it so special. First a poem was written just for them because Elder Ardern loves to write poems. He calls them oaths.
Gifts were presented to them. A priesthood line of Authority for Elder Ardern. A quilt from the Philippines and a memory book. Next sister Ardern spoke thanking everyone for all their help. She mentioned people by name who had helped her in some way.
Next Elder Ardern also read a poem he wrote_ describing his experiences in the Philippines._This are funny stories like the cowboy poet poems__ He said also the feeling of love is that God loves you. He told story after story of how much he admires the people in the Philippines.
He had a power point with quotes such as "We all have hands to help" " The willingness to help others is a measure of our discipleship." There are no limiting factores in our life that can print you.' "love and compassion" "I will be the one" Poverty is not a limiting factor" "When all else fails, put your trust in Christ." " Faith must be followed with action." "Faith can help to sustain others, be the example." "Gratitude in good times and bad times." "Be grateful even if that remains is life itself." "Humility gives birth to gratitude and pride us the death of it."" I love those things I don't have to pay custom money for like my testimony which is my most priceless possessions." He told of a story of a little girl who asked him, heave you gone witnessing? Referring to Jesus. She asked? Don't you love Jesus? She was a Jehovah Witness. "Jesus Christ is our Savior." He restored His Church through Joseph Smith." We have a living Prophet." He is responsible for all of our assignments." New Presidency is coming in. Trust them, they are your friends.
Next Elder Bowen spoke on a more serious note about the great example the Arderns are as a family. Edify and sanctify is what a family does. Therefore what? D &C 84 He refers to us as friends. We are more than titles, we are your friends. The Arderns are covenant keepers. They are friends of Christ. They complement each other. Husbands and wives cleve to each other. they are their first priority in their lives. Being one in marriage like Adam and Eve. They kept the commandments of God. They worked hard to be good parents an grieved when their children disobeyed.
'Next sister Bowen sang a beautiful melody of My life has been changed for good. After the choir sang and we were told to go down to the basement where the cars park.
The place was transformed very beautiful. There was a love sit for them to sit and watch a video they had put together for them. Next they had dancing and line dancing like a flash mob. It was fantastic! Afterwards we invited them and the Haynes and Bowens to have lunch at Chillies. Elder Arderns favorite place.
Con amor,
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