Tomorrow is Halloween which is celebrated in some countries as an excuse to be silly. I love the fact that you can actually dressed up anything you want and people will understand. When you start to think about it, there is no denying that when someone let's their guard down and is willing to be silly and ridiculous it literally makes you like them so much more. I absolutely love people who are willing to put themselves out there, set their fears aside stop worrying what everyone thinks, and just be fun and ridiculous! It puts a simile on my face.
I love the first couple on the dance floor. I love the clown who is holding the sign on the side of the road doing a crazy dance. I love the person who is the first one to try something new and the person who volunteers at a magic show and the person who is spontaneous about trying something new. I love those wedding that end up carnivals with guests wearing silly masquerades. Why? because silliness is contagious and all it takes is one brave person to start it, and suddenly it spreads to all of the rest of us. That one person gives all of the rest of us the courage to come out of our shells and be silly too. I love people who are that bold!
We spend too much of our time of our lives acting too serious. We need to be willing to be silly and act ridiculous far more often. And besides, being silly has been scientifically proven to be good for us. Studies also shows that play reduces blood pressure, bolsters our immune system and make us more resilient. Without a doubt there is proof that being silly and ridiculous may be good for your health. I guess each on of us come with our own personality. Marilyn Monroe said: "it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." And I totally agree!
Con amor,
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