Saturday, October 29, 2016

Don't get lost!

Last Saturday we got up as early as we could to go to a venue where we were asked to speak. The problem is that our driver didn't have the right address and we missed the turn. He took us about 12 miles away from where we needed to go. The road where we were was big and spacious. The road where we needed to go was bumpy and narrow. It was so much harder to drive on the right road than on the easy road that led us to a wrong destination. This is a good analogy when we tinker of the path we take as Latter-day Saints. We don't take the easy road but the hard road in life. That was a good reminder for us so that is exactly how we started our talks. 
Today I spoke to a large group of young adults. I love speaking to the youth.  They have so much energy and enthusiasm and joy for the future.  They are so young and full of promise for their life ahead.

In preparing to speak to them I really tried to consider the messages I hoped to have them take away. Given that they are the same age as our youngest daughters Vale and Mandy and our nieces and nephews. It was easy to ask myself what message I would want our own family to hear.  A few of the messages I hope they walked away with today were:

Life is about getting up and doing something, anything, just making a start…and as long as you are moving forward every day, whether it is one step ahead or ten steps ahead, just make sure that each day you take at least one step forward in life.

Don’t let fear get in your way – keep in mind that you are smarter and better than you realize, and what God intends for your future is far better than anything you can even begin to imagine.

Life will have ups and downs and failures and successes…it is full of uncertainty and unknowns, but that is okay because failures help you learn and facing uncertainty helps you grow. Think of those things that will bring you the most happiness. Watch for people who are good and happy and do those things they do.

My hope for these kids is that they discover and appreciate the opportunities that each season of life brings them.  I hope they don’t rush through them. I hope they don’t wish any seasons away, even when they are difficult, because each stage of life is happening at a certain time for a certain reason, so I hope they have faith that each experience is leading them to where they need to be, so they should learn everything they possibly can from each and every day.  And most of all I hope they will love the people in their life with their whole heart…because relationships should always matter more than things. I hope they realized how much their leader care about them and love them.

I loved spending time with the young single adults today.  Frankly, they inspired me far more than I inspired them.  I have been dealing with some difficult things related to my mom the last few days and I was dealing with a heavy heart when I had to drive down to the college to speak.  But once I got there the students were all so sweet and kind and they made me feel really welcome and appreciated.  They wanted to take pictures with me. Their kindness today was especially meaningful to me so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for inspiring me and helping to remind me of just how wonderful life is!
Con amor,

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