Saturday, April 8, 2017

A force for Good!

Today we hosted a dinner at our home. We didn't do it pot luck because we have invited the Area Presidency who just arrived from Utah and are getting used to the new time. We decided to make everything: shoripan, pico de gallo, potato salad, fruit and root beer floats and cookies.
 It was great having people over and socializing.

Earlier today there was movement. An earthquake shook our building but I didn't feel it the way Daniel did. Thank goodness, It didn't cause any damage. At time like this I like to stop and think for a moment if you are paying enough attention to the impact you have on others. Are your actions making other people's lives better? Or are your actions making other people's lives worse? The answer is either one or the other, so it's critical that you be aware of what that answer is...

I think if all of us made the effort to pay attention to the impact we had on others that we could be constant force for good. The Seventies who are called to be witnesses of Christ are that force for good and we have three of them as our neighbors. What a blessing that is! We could take their example and constantly make sure that we are lifting people up and making situations better and improving things around us. All it takes is just paying a little attention to your own behavior so you don't let yourself slip into doing things that are negative. Focus on being a positive force!

Con amor,

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