Why is it that the very day before you go on a trip you find endless of things to do? Today was a very productive day like no other so here is a poem I read to remember this busy day.
hours in a day.
No more. No less. That's all I
have to work with. To do my
best to keep my thinking in
check. To pray often. To trust
that God cares about me and
wants me to succeed. To hold
on and not give up. To do for
others what I can. To give God
my weakness and triggers.
To grow humbly and a deeper
gratitude. To give God all the
credit. To have peace at the
end of eery day.
by C. L. Murphy
I was thinking that no matter how busy your day gets, It is always good to say a little prayer to thank our Heavenly Father for all that we have. As I got really busy, I stopped what I was doing and said a heart felt prayer for everything I have and so many rich blessings. We are going to Utah to attend General Conference this weekend and while we are there, we are closing on the Mill Creek home we sold and we are also going to exchange for a new City Creek 2 bedroom apartment. But the real highlight of this trip is that we get to witness, Norah get sealed to Bianca and Joseph on October 7th so until we get back in town adios to this blog.
Con amor,
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
Traditions, family and calendars = Christmas joy!
Only 12 Weeks
till Christmas! I can’t even believe it! How did that happen so
quickly??! Here in the Philippines Christmas officially starts on
September 1st and you can sense it everywhere you go, decorations
are out and Christmas music is playing. I love it! Here in the Philippines
Halloween is no big deal and Thanksgiving is only an American Holiday so why
not start celebrating now?
I am
super excited to have bought our tickets to be in Utah this year for Christmas.
YES! Last year we went to Uruguay to visit Daniel’s side of the family and made
a quick stop in Miami and Orlando. As much as we would love to see you again
this Christmas it can’t be done this time around, sorry :( we are going to be
in Utah which means that we get to see some of you. We missed seeing Hernan and
family this Summer but they are coming to Utah in December which means that we
would have seen all the kids and grandkids this year, except for Gabriel and
Danae in Ireland which is a good excuse for us to go to Europe one of these
days. Yay!
In two days, we will be landing in Salt Lake
as we do each October Conference, and attend meetings with the Presiding
Bishopric and this time we get to be at the sealing of Norah to Bianca and
Joseph on October 7th before they move back to New York. We’ll
return home to Manila the next day.
Now for gift giving: Last year when we
visited Uruguay I decided to give the same thing, (pearls) to all the women in
Uruguay. We took pearls to Abuela Nela, Estela, Sandra, Cecilia, Vanessa,
Camila, Pamela, Cristina, Laura, Noelia, Guille’s wife, Lexi and Vale. We took a photo showing off our set of
beautiful pearls. You can probably guess by now that I love pearls. We also
wanted to give something to the guys so we got them all ties; The list
included: Alejandro, Roberto, Miguel Angel, Luciano, Nico, Marcos, Nacho,
Guille, Santi, Rafa and Agustin and pajamas for the kiddos: Tiago, Celeste,
Joaquin, Abril, Josefina, and Victoria. We got extra gifts for Vale, Ale, Lexi,
Tiago and soon to be baby Nico that were given privately on Christmas day. I
probably forgot someone but you get the picture.
At Christmas, you
want to give something meaningful, but it is hard to figure out what people
like so you end up giving something you like for yourself hoping that they would
also like it too and it seems like the closer you get to the actual day the
more you resort to just buying anything that can be delivered in time for the
holidays which takes all the meaning right out of the gift. I used to do
my holiday shopping months in advance but I have not done it anymore since we
moved away to the other side of the world.
As I have spent
two Christmases in Uruguay, I discovered that gift exchange does not exist in the Rodriguez de Almeida family. Isn’t
that just wonderful! No stressing over buying anything for anybody unless those
people live under your own roof! And
no one feels obligated to give you anything just because you bought them a present.
Daniel’s sister Estela who came to visit from Brazil brought the family gifts
and I didn’t see any of her siblings worried about giving her anything in
return. This year we are a party of 37 and another grandbaby on the way. When
you add to that, Daniel’s extended side of the family and mine, the number is
more like 80 and you get to a point when you run out of ideas of what to get
To make a
comparison, In Uruguay, I didn’t see that massive gift exchange I saw in El
Salvador from my family to all the random people we knew because they included
just about anyone who ever said hello to us during the year. Daniel’s family do
not even worry about doing a gift exchange where each person picks a name some
large families like to do, nope, drawing names is not necessary either because
when you think about it, all the Almeidas are in a position that we can most
likely buy what we need at any time of the year and not wait till Christmas.
Our family is
so very blessed! so there is absolutely no need to ever worry about buying gifs.
But of course, if you cannot phantom the idea of not giving a gift, especially
one that you made, then, please do! No one will get upset about getting a
present from you. We still intend to give gifts because is part of my personality
but don’t worry about us.
The only gift tradition we will do as a family every Christmas is to make a calendar with pictures.
Each year one of us will get a turn so that means that every 11 years it will
be somebodies turn as a couple to do it and I hope we can all handle that. It
is the one thing that makes abuela Nela and my mom, light up each year when they
see the pictures each month. We do it as part of our family history. It is the
only tradition we want to keep going. Mandy has offered to do the Calendar for
2018 so please send her your favorite photos A.S.A.P.
So here is the deal for the Almeida clan, gift giving tradition
is totally optional; no stressing over that please! However,
one tradition we can accommodate is that in case one of you know of a family in
need that we can all pitch in and do a sub for Santa like the one we did when
we lived in Utah, it would be awesome! It
is always better to give than to receive!
Feliz Navidad!
Con amor,
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Overcoming the World
Today I was set apart as a Pathway missionary and as a teacher in Relief Society. It is wonderful when you are given a special blessing to serve.
I am so glad I was finally set apart and feel legitimate. It is the fourth Sunday of the month so I prepared my lesson for the sisters in Relief Society. I wanted to do a different dynamic so I decided to divide them into six small groups and gave each part of the talk by Elder Andersen with a question for them to discuss as a group and later they got to share it with everyone else.
The talk was on Overcoming the world:
He starts by telling of a vision President McKay had where he beheld a beautiful white city, trees with luscious fruit and flowers in perfect bloom. People dressed in white with them was the Savior and the peace felt was glorious and sublime. The city was His and the people were enjoying of eternal happiness. "Who are these people?" He replied: 'Those are they who have overcome the world."
Is it posible to overcome the world? Yes, It is (He answers)
And he continues to give example after example of who are those who overcome the world and what does it mean to overcome the world and gives examples of the difference of those who have overcome the world and those who are of the world.
Things like:
"Those who overcome the world develop an all-encompassing love for our Lord and Savior.... Jesus said: Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Overcoming the world is not one defining moment in a lifetime, but a lifetime of moments that define an eternity."
Those overcoming the world know that they will be accountable to their Heavenly father. Sincerely changing and repentant of sins is not longer restraining but liberating as sins of scarlet become while a snow... The world is more interested in indulging the natural man than in subduing him. Overcoming the world is not a global invasion but a private personal battle requiring hand to hand combat with our own internal foes. Overcoming the world means treasuring the greatest commandment: "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength."
Overcoming the world is keeping our promises to God. our baptismal and temple covenants and our oath of faithfulness to our eternal companion. Overcoming the world leads us humbly to the sacrament table each week, asking for forgiveness and pledging to remember him and keep his commandments, that we may always have his Spirit to be with (us) The world is incessantly pulled by a flood of enticing and seductive voices. Overcoming the world is trusting in the one voice that warns, comforts, enlightens and brigs peace "not as the world giveth."
Overcoming the world means turning ourselves outward, remembering the second commandment: He that is greatest among you, shall be your servant." The world builds its universe around itself; proudly proclaiming: "look at what is mine" "see how important I am!" The world is easily irritated, disinterested, and demanding, loving the cheers of the crowd, while overcoming the world brings humility, empathy, patience, and compassion for those different then yourself.
Overcoming the world will always mean that we will have some belts that are ridiculed by the world. The Savior said: "If the world hate you, ye know the it hard me before it hated you.." True disciples of Jesus Christ are willing to stand out, speak up and be different from the people of the world." Overcoming the world is being less concern with our online connections and more concerned with our heavenly connection to God.
Overcoming the world does not mean we live a cloistered life, protected from the unfairness and difficulties of mortality. Rather, it opens the more expansive view of faith, drawing us to the Savior and His promises. While perfection is not complete in this life, overcoming the world keeps our hope aflame that one day we shall stand before or Redeemer and see his face with pleasure, and hear His voice: "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you."
I can think of many who have overcome the world and now have passed on through the vail and hope that just like them, I can also do it too.
Con amor,
I am so glad I was finally set apart and feel legitimate. It is the fourth Sunday of the month so I prepared my lesson for the sisters in Relief Society. I wanted to do a different dynamic so I decided to divide them into six small groups and gave each part of the talk by Elder Andersen with a question for them to discuss as a group and later they got to share it with everyone else.
The talk was on Overcoming the world:
He starts by telling of a vision President McKay had where he beheld a beautiful white city, trees with luscious fruit and flowers in perfect bloom. People dressed in white with them was the Savior and the peace felt was glorious and sublime. The city was His and the people were enjoying of eternal happiness. "Who are these people?" He replied: 'Those are they who have overcome the world."
Is it posible to overcome the world? Yes, It is (He answers)
And he continues to give example after example of who are those who overcome the world and what does it mean to overcome the world and gives examples of the difference of those who have overcome the world and those who are of the world.
Things like:
"Those who overcome the world develop an all-encompassing love for our Lord and Savior.... Jesus said: Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Overcoming the world is not one defining moment in a lifetime, but a lifetime of moments that define an eternity."
Those overcoming the world know that they will be accountable to their Heavenly father. Sincerely changing and repentant of sins is not longer restraining but liberating as sins of scarlet become while a snow... The world is more interested in indulging the natural man than in subduing him. Overcoming the world is not a global invasion but a private personal battle requiring hand to hand combat with our own internal foes. Overcoming the world means treasuring the greatest commandment: "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength."
Overcoming the world is keeping our promises to God. our baptismal and temple covenants and our oath of faithfulness to our eternal companion. Overcoming the world leads us humbly to the sacrament table each week, asking for forgiveness and pledging to remember him and keep his commandments, that we may always have his Spirit to be with (us) The world is incessantly pulled by a flood of enticing and seductive voices. Overcoming the world is trusting in the one voice that warns, comforts, enlightens and brigs peace "not as the world giveth."
Overcoming the world means turning ourselves outward, remembering the second commandment: He that is greatest among you, shall be your servant." The world builds its universe around itself; proudly proclaiming: "look at what is mine" "see how important I am!" The world is easily irritated, disinterested, and demanding, loving the cheers of the crowd, while overcoming the world brings humility, empathy, patience, and compassion for those different then yourself.
Overcoming the world will always mean that we will have some belts that are ridiculed by the world. The Savior said: "If the world hate you, ye know the it hard me before it hated you.." True disciples of Jesus Christ are willing to stand out, speak up and be different from the people of the world." Overcoming the world is being less concern with our online connections and more concerned with our heavenly connection to God.
Overcoming the world does not mean we live a cloistered life, protected from the unfairness and difficulties of mortality. Rather, it opens the more expansive view of faith, drawing us to the Savior and His promises. While perfection is not complete in this life, overcoming the world keeps our hope aflame that one day we shall stand before or Redeemer and see his face with pleasure, and hear His voice: "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you."
I can think of many who have overcome the world and now have passed on through the vail and hope that just like them, I can also do it too.
Con amor,
Saturday, September 23, 2017
The Playful Nest

She wrote: "feel super vulnerable starting something new. But I felt like it was time... no more excuses. I've been waiting for years for the PERFECT season, the PERFECT photo, and the PERFECT caption to start. But I'm beginning to realize there really is no such thing.
How about an imperfect photo and a random day to take a leap?
Welcome to The Playful Nest. Whether you are a parent, teacher, grandparent, aunt or just someone looking to include more play and fun into their life... this is for you and I'm so glad you are here!!"
I am so glad she founded "The Playful nest" and will be writing on her Facebook page so watch for her informative and inspiring posts.
Con amor,
Friday, September 22, 2017
A Fundraiser for Samuel
Today I attended a fund raiser for Samuel who was born with severe birth defects and need to get so many operations done. I met him and his mom from Chile. This was the very first baby they were having. I didn't remember her but somehow she remembered me. The baby needs so much care and so many surgeries to correct all of what is wrong with him.
The event took place at the Residence of the Chilean Ambassador. I met the Ambassador and his wife whose name also happened to be Veronica. She was running around busy trying to get everything ready with the help of three other ladies. I sat by a woman from the Philippines married to the Ambassador of Sweden and the wife of the Spanish Ambassador. They all know each other of course since all the Embassies do parties and host event together. The group was as usual quite noisy and superficial but at least they did something good for this family.
Con amor,
The event took place at the Residence of the Chilean Ambassador. I met the Ambassador and his wife whose name also happened to be Veronica. She was running around busy trying to get everything ready with the help of three other ladies. I sat by a woman from the Philippines married to the Ambassador of Sweden and the wife of the Spanish Ambassador. They all know each other of course since all the Embassies do parties and host event together. The group was as usual quite noisy and superficial but at least they did something good for this family.
Con amor,
Thursday, September 21, 2017
BYU The honor code, etc.
One of the things that were discussed in the Pathway class today was the Honor Code. Ion closing told them about my favorite title: "Honorable" and how I used to get letters addressed to me that way. I told them that each one of us should consider to have that title too if we keep the honor code. Next before I gave the chocolate chip cookies I told the call of the story of Debbie Fields and how it was so hard for her to find someone who believed in her business idea.
Con amor,
Con amor,
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Drawing of His Power into our lives
Today we had a very insightful lesson by sister Bowen. She is truly an exemplary woman who prepared an Institute discussion on a talk given by President Nelson, April Conference 2017.
She first had us look into the topical guide to find scriptures that relate to a topic. Each topic is there in alphabetical order at our fingertips. Elder Nelson earlier had asked to do this exercise as he gave a devotional to the young adults.
I remember how Elder Scott had mentioned once how he marveled at the new smart phones and I personally think that is why they are smart. They have all we need to study our scriptures.
Sister Bowen made a handout suggesting the following:
1.We need to know him.
(a) "It is impossible for us to be saved in ignorance." the more we know about the saviors ministry and mission, the more we understand His doctrine and what He did for us...the more we know that he can provide the power that we need for our lives.
Understand what the atonement of Jesus Christ means: (b) Under the father's great eternal plan, it is the Savior who suffered. It is the Savior who broke the bonds of death. It is the Savior who paid the price for our sins and transgressions and blots them out on condition of our repentance. It is the Savior who delivers us from physical and spiritual death. The Savior's atoning sacrifice....the central act of all human history... is best understood and appreciated when we expressly and clearly connect if to Him.
2. We choose to have faith in Him. (c) Faith in Jesus Chist propels us to do things we otherwise would not do. Faith that motivates us to action gives us more access to His power.
3. We make Covenants with Him: (d ) We also increase the Savior's power in our lives when we make sacred covenants and keep those covenants with precision. Our covenants bind us to Him and give us godly power.
(e) Covenant -keeping men and women seek for ways to keep themselves unspotted from the world so there will be nothing blocking their access to the Savior's power.
(f) When the Savior knows you truly want to reach up to Him. When you feel that the greatest desire of your heart is to draw into your life, you will be led by the Holy Ghost to know exactly what you should do.
(g) When you spiritually stretch beyond anything that you have ever done before, then His power will flow into you.
Know Him: study about Him by using the topical guide and pondering the scripture given under His name.
Have faith in Him: Exercise faith by your actions. Change something in your life.
Make covenants with Him: Make the sacrament more meaningful by preparing for it all week long. (Remembering Him)
Attend the temple often. If yo are not endowed, prepare to go to the temple.
I always love the last remarks of every talk because the bear witness of what they know and this is how Elder Nelson ended his talk: " As one of His special witnesses, I declare that God lives! Jesus is the Christ! His Church has been restored to the earth! God's prophet upon the earth today is President Thomas S. Monson, whom I sustain with all my heart. I also testify, with my expression of love and blessing for each of you, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen. "
I hope my children and grand children will never forget those words.
Con amor,
She first had us look into the topical guide to find scriptures that relate to a topic. Each topic is there in alphabetical order at our fingertips. Elder Nelson earlier had asked to do this exercise as he gave a devotional to the young adults.
I remember how Elder Scott had mentioned once how he marveled at the new smart phones and I personally think that is why they are smart. They have all we need to study our scriptures.
Sister Bowen made a handout suggesting the following:
1.We need to know him.
(a) "It is impossible for us to be saved in ignorance." the more we know about the saviors ministry and mission, the more we understand His doctrine and what He did for us...the more we know that he can provide the power that we need for our lives.
Understand what the atonement of Jesus Christ means: (b) Under the father's great eternal plan, it is the Savior who suffered. It is the Savior who broke the bonds of death. It is the Savior who paid the price for our sins and transgressions and blots them out on condition of our repentance. It is the Savior who delivers us from physical and spiritual death. The Savior's atoning sacrifice....the central act of all human history... is best understood and appreciated when we expressly and clearly connect if to Him.
2. We choose to have faith in Him. (c) Faith in Jesus Chist propels us to do things we otherwise would not do. Faith that motivates us to action gives us more access to His power.
3. We make Covenants with Him: (d ) We also increase the Savior's power in our lives when we make sacred covenants and keep those covenants with precision. Our covenants bind us to Him and give us godly power.
(e) Covenant -keeping men and women seek for ways to keep themselves unspotted from the world so there will be nothing blocking their access to the Savior's power.
(f) When the Savior knows you truly want to reach up to Him. When you feel that the greatest desire of your heart is to draw into your life, you will be led by the Holy Ghost to know exactly what you should do.
(g) When you spiritually stretch beyond anything that you have ever done before, then His power will flow into you.
Know Him: study about Him by using the topical guide and pondering the scripture given under His name.
Have faith in Him: Exercise faith by your actions. Change something in your life.
Make covenants with Him: Make the sacrament more meaningful by preparing for it all week long. (Remembering Him)
Attend the temple often. If yo are not endowed, prepare to go to the temple.
I always love the last remarks of every talk because the bear witness of what they know and this is how Elder Nelson ended his talk: " As one of His special witnesses, I declare that God lives! Jesus is the Christ! His Church has been restored to the earth! God's prophet upon the earth today is President Thomas S. Monson, whom I sustain with all my heart. I also testify, with my expression of love and blessing for each of you, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen. "
I hope my children and grand children will never forget those words.
Con amor,
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
The wisdom of years
Today we took Elder Arnold to the airport and gave him a copy of my book and pearls for his wife plus a thank you note and Bianca's CD He was so nice to Daniel and truly loves him. What a sweet man he is. He told us how in 9 months he will be turning 70 and will become emeritus as a Seventy. He is a man of such wisdom and so fun to be around. Very smart and pro active. He reminds me of a poem that Elder Packer wrote: "The things I know"
I had a thought the other night,
A thought profound and deep.
It came when I was too worn down,
Too tired to go to sleep.
I’d had a very busy day
And pondered on my fate.
The thought was this:
When I was young, I wasn’t 68!
I could walk without a limp;
I had no shoulder pain.
I could read a line through twice
And quote it back again.
I could work for endless hours
And hardly stop to breathe.
And things that now I cannot do
I mastered then with ease.
If I could now turn back the years,
If that were mine to choose,
I would not barter age for youth,
I’d have too much to lose.
I am quite content to move ahead,
To yield my youth, however grand.
The thing I’d lose if I went back
Is what I understand.
Ten years later, I decided to add a few more lines to that poem:
Ten years have flown to who knows where
And with them much of pain.
A metal hip erased my limp;
I walk quite straight again.
Another plate holds neck bones fast—
A wonderful creation!
It backed my polio away;
I’ve joined the stiff-necked generation.
The signs of aging can be seen.
Those things will not get better.
The only thing that grows in strength
With me is my forgetter.
You ask, “Do I remember you?”
Of course, you’re much the same.
Now don’t go getting all upset
If I can’t recall your name.
I would agree I’ve learned some things
I did not want to know,
But age has brought those precious truths
That make the spirit grow.
Of all the blessings that have come,
The best thing in my life
Is the companionship and comfort
I get from my dear wife.
Our children all have married well,
With families of their own,
With children and grandchildren,
How soon they all have grown.
I have not changed my mind one bit
About regaining youth.
We’re meant to age, for with it
Comes a knowledge of the truth.
You ask, “What will the future bring?
Just what will be my fate?”
I’ll go along and not complain.
Ask when I’m 88!
And last year I added these lines:
And now you see I’m 88.
The years have flown so fast.
I walked, I limped, I held a cane,
And now I ride at last.
I take a nap now and again,
But priesthood power remains.
For all the physical things I lack
There are great spiritual gains.
I have traveled the world a million miles
And another million too.
And with the help of satellites,
My journeys are not through.
I now can say with all certainty
That I know and love the Lord.
I can testify with them of old
As I preach His holy word.
I know what He felt in Gethsemane
Is too much to comprehend.
I know He did it all for us;
We have no greater Friend.
I know that He will come anew
With power and in glory.
I know I will see Him once again
At the end of my life’s story.
I’ll kneel before His wounded feet;
I’ll feel His Spirit glow.
My whispering, quivering voice will say,
“My Lord, my God, I know.”
-Boyd K. Packer
Both Elder Packer and Elder Arnold are men I have so much respect for. I love the life lessons we can take away from these amazing men. It reminds me to be grateful for the 57 years of wisdom I have gained. It reminds me that all the book learning and life experiences cannot take the place of spiritual learning that we gain by exercising faith in our believes. It also helps remind me that every day of my life I should be growing closer to God by living my life in a way I know that He would be proud of. I believe that trying to live our lives that, is the best way to help each of us get to the point where we can say "I know" for ourselves.
I was looking at the calendar today and can't wait for the up coming weeks ahead. It is going to be glorious and wonderful! I hope I can remember to cherish each day and the wisdom and experience it gives me. I hope I can be a wiser person by the end of the next two weeks after listening to General Conference.
Con amor,
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