Sunday, September 24, 2017

Overcoming the World

Today I was set apart as a Pathway missionary and as a teacher in Relief Society. It is wonderful when you are given a special blessing to serve.

I am so glad I was finally set apart and feel legitimate. It is the fourth Sunday of the month so I prepared my lesson for the sisters in Relief Society. I wanted to do a different dynamic so I decided to divide them into six small groups and gave each part of the talk by Elder Andersen with a question for them to discuss as a group and later they got to share it with everyone else.

The talk was on Overcoming the world:
He starts by telling of a vision President McKay had where he beheld a beautiful white city, trees with luscious fruit and flowers in perfect bloom. People dressed in white with them was the Savior and the peace felt was glorious and sublime. The city was His and the people were enjoying of eternal  happiness. "Who are these people?" He replied: 'Those are they who have overcome the world."

Is it posible to overcome the world? Yes, It is (He answers)

And he continues to give example after example of who are those who overcome the world and what does it mean to overcome the world and gives examples of the difference of those who have overcome the world and those who are of the world.

Things like:
"Those who overcome the world develop an all-encompassing love for our Lord and Savior.... Jesus said: Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Overcoming the world is not one defining moment in a lifetime, but a lifetime of moments that define an eternity."

Those overcoming the world know that they will be accountable to their Heavenly father. Sincerely changing and repentant of sins is not longer restraining but liberating as sins of scarlet become while a snow... The world is more interested in indulging the natural man than in subduing him. Overcoming the world is not a global invasion but a private personal battle requiring hand to hand combat with our own internal foes. Overcoming the world means treasuring the greatest commandment: "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul. and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength."

Overcoming the world is keeping our promises to God. our baptismal and temple covenants and our oath of faithfulness to our eternal companion. Overcoming the world leads us humbly to the sacrament table each week, asking for forgiveness and pledging to remember him and keep his commandments, that we may always have his Spirit to be with (us) The world is incessantly pulled by a flood of enticing and seductive voices. Overcoming the world is trusting in the one voice that warns, comforts, enlightens and brigs peace "not as the world giveth."

Overcoming the world means turning ourselves outward, remembering the second commandment: He that is greatest among you, shall be your servant." The world builds its universe around itself; proudly  proclaiming: "look at what is mine" "see how important I am!" The world is easily irritated, disinterested, and demanding, loving the cheers of the crowd, while overcoming the world brings humility, empathy, patience, and compassion for those different then yourself.

Overcoming the world will always mean that we will have some belts that are ridiculed by the world. The Savior said: "If the world hate you, ye know the it hard me before it hated you.." True disciples of Jesus Christ are willing to stand out, speak up and be different from the people of the world."  Overcoming the world is being less concern with our online connections and more concerned with our heavenly connection to God.

Overcoming the world does not mean we live a cloistered life, protected from the unfairness and difficulties of mortality. Rather, it opens the more expansive view of faith, drawing us to the Savior and His promises. While perfection is not complete in this life, overcoming the world keeps our hope aflame that one day we shall stand before or Redeemer and see his face with pleasure, and hear His voice: "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you."

I can think of many who have overcome the world and now have passed on through the vail and  hope that just like them, I can also do it too.

Con amor,

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