Be 100 Percent Responsible is a devotional I heard today from Elder Robbins and I have to post it because it is so right on point of what we need to do to have control of our own lives. No excuses, no blaming others, take control of your life. Excellent!
Brothers and sisters, I am grateful to be
with you in this opening session of the 2017 BYU Campus Education Week. This
year’s theme comes from Doctrine and Covenants 50:24, with special emphasis on
these words: “And he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth
more light.”
I am going to take a different approach to
this theme than might be expected by exposing and illustrating some very
cunning and effective ways that the “wicked one” prevents people from progressing
and receiving more light (D&C 93:39).
Many gospel principles come in pairs,
meaning one is incomplete without the other. I want to refer to three of these
doctrinal pairs today:
- Agency and
- Mercy and
- Faith and
When Satan is successful in dividing
doctrinal pairs, he begins to wreak havoc upon mankind. It is one of his most
cunning strategies to keep people from growing in the light.
You already know that faith without works
really isn’t faith (see James 2:17). My primary focus will be on the other two
doctrinal pairs: first, to illustrate how avoiding responsibility affects
agency; and second, how “denying justice,” as it is referred to in the Book of
Mormon (see Alma 42:30), affects mercy.
The Book of Mormon teaches us that we are
agents to “act . . . and not to be acted upon” (2 Nephi 2:26)—or
to be “free to act for [our]selves” (2 Nephi 10:23). This freedom of choice was
not a gift of partial agency but of complete and total 100 percent agency. It
was absolute in the sense that the One Perfect Parent never forces His
children. He shows us the way and may even command us, but, “nevertheless, thou
mayest choose for thyself, for it is given unto thee” (Moses 3:17).
Assuming responsibility and being
accountable for our choices are agency’s complementary principles (see D&C
101:78). Responsibility is to recognize ourselves as being the
cause for the effects or results of our choices—good or bad. On the negative
side, it is to always own up to the consequences of poor
Except for those held innocent, such as
little children and the intellectually disabled, gospel doctrine teaches us
that each person is responsible for the use of their agency and “will be
punished for their own sins” (Articles of Faith 1:2).1 It isn’t just a heavenly principle but
a law of nature—we reap what we sow.
Logically then, complete and total agency
comes with complete and total responsibility:
And now remember, remember, my brethren,
that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth
iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are
permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a
knowledge and he hath made you free. [Helaman
14:30; emphasis added]
One of Satan’s most crafty strategies to
gain control of our agency isn’t a frontal attack on our agency but a sneaky
backdoor assault on responsibility. Without responsibility, every good gift
from God could be misused for evil purposes. For example, freedom of speech
without responsibility can be used to create and protect pornography. The
rights of a woman can be twisted to justify an unnecessary abortion. When the
world separates choice from accountability, it leads to anarchy and a war of wills
or survival of the fittest. We could call agency without responsibility the
Korihor principle, as we read in the book of Alma “that every man conquered
according to his strength; and whatsoever a man did was no crime”
(Alma 30:17; emphasis added). With negative consequences removed, you now have
agency unbridled, as if there were no day of reckoning.
If Satan is not successful in fully
separating agency from responsibility, one of his backup schemes is to dull or
minimize feelings of responsibility—what we could call the Nehor principle,
also found in the book of Alma: “That all mankind should be saved at the last
day, and that they need not fear nor tremble . . . ; for the
Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all
men should have eternal life” (Alma 1:4).
What an attractive offer for those who seek
happiness in wickedness! The Nehor principle depends entirely on mercy and
denies justice—a separation of the second doctrinal pair aforementioned.
Denying justice is a twin of avoiding responsibility. They are essentially the
same thing. A common strategy of each Book of Mormon anti-Christ was to
separate agency from responsibility. “Eat, drink, and be merry; nevertheless,
fear God—he will justify in committing a little sin” (2 Nephi 28:8).
Faith without works, mercy without justice,
and agency without responsibility are all different verses of the same
seductive and damning song. With each, the natural man rejects accountability
in an attempt to sedate his conscience. It is similar to the early
sixteenth-century practice of paying for indulgences, but much easier—this way
it is free!2 No wonder the broad path is filled
with so many. The path parades a guilt-free journey to salvation but is, in
reality, a cleverly disguised detour to destruction (see 3 Nephi 14:13).
Agency without responsibility is one of the
foremost anti-Christ doctrines—very cunning in its nature and very destructive
in its results.
To illustrate, I want to share a list of
things that Satan tempts people to either say or do to avoid being responsible.
This list isn’t all-inclusive, but I believe it covers his most common
1. Blaming others: Saul disobediently
took of the spoils of war from the Amalekites; then, when confronted by Samuel,
he blamed the people (see 1 Samuel 15:21).
2. Rationalizing or justifying: Saul
then rationalized or justified his disobedience, stating that the saved
livestock was for “sacrifice unto the Lord” (1 Samuel 15:21; see also
verse 22).
3. Making excuses: Excuses come in a
thousand varieties, such as this one from Laman and Lemuel: “How is it possible
that the Lord will deliver Laban into our hands? Behold, he is a mighty man,
and he can command fifty, yea, even he can slay fifty; then why not us?”
(1 Nephi 3:31).
4. Minimalizing or trivializing
sin: This is exactly what Nehor advocated (see Alma 1:3–4).
5. Hiding: This is a common avoidance
technique. It is a tactic Satan used with Adam and Eve after they partook of
the forbidden fruit (see Moses 4:14).
6. Covering up: Closely associated with
hiding is covering up, which David attempted to do to conceal his affair with
Bathsheba (see 2 Samuel 12:9, 12).
7. Fleeing from responsibility: This is
something Jonah tried to do (see Jonah 1:3).
8. Abandoning responsibility: Similar
to fleeing is abandoning responsibility. One example is when Corianton forsook
his ministry in pursuit of the harlot Isabel (see Alma 39:3).
9. Denying or lying: “And Saul said
. . . : I have performed the commandment of the Lord. And Samuel
said, What meaneth then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears
. . . ?” (1 Samuel 15:13–14).
10. Rebelling: Samuel then rebuked Saul
“for rebellion.” “Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also
rejected thee from being king” (1 Samuel 15:23).
11. Complaining and murmuring: One who
rebels also complains and murmurs: “And all the children of Israel murmured
against Moses and . . . said . . . , Would God that we
had died in the land of Egypt!” (Numbers 14:2).
12. Finding fault and getting
angry: These two are closely associated, as described by Nephi: “And it
came to pass that Laman was angry with me, and also with my father; and also
was Lemuel” (1 Nephi 3:28).
13. Making demands and
entitlements: “We will not that our younger brother shall be a ruler over
us. And it came to pass that Laman and Lemuel did take me and bind me with
cords, and they did treat me with much harshness” (1 Nephi 18:10–11).
14. Doubting, losing hope, giving up, and
quitting: “Our brother is a fool. . . . For they did not believe
that I could build a ship” (1 Nephi 17:17–18).
15. Indulging in self-pity and a victim mentality: “Behold,
these many years we have suffered in the wilderness, which time we might have
enjoyed our possessions and the land of our inheritance; yea, and we might have
been happy” (1 Nephi 17:21).
16. Being indecisive or being in a spiritual
stupor: The irony with indecision is that if you don’t make a decision in
time, time will make a decision for you.
17. Procrastinating: A twin of
indecision is procrastination. “But behold, your days of probation are past;
ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too
late” (Helaman 13:38).
18. Allowing fear to rule: This one is
also related to hiding: “And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the
earth. . . . His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and
slothful servant” (Matthew 25:25–26).
19. Enabling: An example of enabling or
helping others to avoid responsibility is the instance when Eli failed to
discipline his sons for their grievous sins and was rebuked by the Lord:
“Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and . . . honourest thy sons above
me . . . ? (1 Samuel 2:29; see also verses 22–36).
When you consider this list with Laman and
Lemuel in mind, you will see that they were guilty of nearly everything on the
list. It is this list that destroyed Laman and Lemuel. It is an extremely
dangerous list.
When reading 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi, we can
only try to imagine how difficult it was for the members of Lehi’s family to
leave their home, obtain the brass plates, camp out for eight years in the
wilderness, and build a large ocean-going vessel. The responsibility that faced
the family was indeed formidable. Yet, as difficult as a responsibility may
be, “difficulty is the excuse history never accepts,”3 as is so graphically illustrated in
the case of Laman and Lemuel.
Difficult situations are the test of one’s
faith, to see if we will go forward with either a believing heart (see D&C
64:34) or a doubting heart (see D&C 58:29), if at all. A difficult
situation reveals a person’s character and either strengthens it, as with
Nephi, or weakens and corrupts it, as with Laman and Lemuel, who epitomize what
it means to be irresponsible (see Alma 62:41).
It is important to recognize that excuses
never equal results. In the case of Laman and Lemuel, all the excuses in the
world could never obtain the brass plates. The reason Nephi obtained the plates
and Laman and Lemuel didn’t is because Nephi never went to the
anti-responsibility list. He was a champion, and champions do not turn to the
list. As Elder David B. Haight of the Quorum of the Twelve stated, “A
determined man finds a way; the other man finds an excuse.”4
If the anti-responsibility list is so
dangerous, why do so many people frequently turn to it? Because the natural man
is irresponsible by nature, he goes to the list as a defense mechanism to avoid
shame and embarrassment, stress and anxiety, and the pain and negative
consequences of mistakes and sin. Rather than repent to eliminate guilt, he
sedates it with excuses. It gives him a false sense that his environment or
someone else is to blame, and therefore he has no need to repent.
The anti-responsibility list could also be
called the anti-faith list because it halts progress dead in its tracks. When
Satan tempts a person to avoid responsibility, that person subtly surrenders
their agency because the person is no longer in control or “acting.” Instead
they become an object who is being acted upon, and Satan cleverly begins to
control their life.
It is important to note that everyone
occasionally fails in their attempts at success, just as Nephi did with his
brothers in their first two trips to Jerusalem when they were trying to obtain
the plates. But those who are valiant accept responsibility for their mistakes
and sins. They repent, get back on their feet, and continue moving forward in
faith. They may give an explanation or a reason for their lack of success but
not an excuse.
At first glance it may appear that Adam was
blaming Eve when he said, “The woman thou gavest me.” However, when Adam
subsequently added “and I did eat,” we are given to understand that he accepted
responsibility for his actions and was giving an explanation, not blaming Eve.
Eve in turn also said, “And I did eat” (Moses 4:18–19; see also verses 17–20;
Turning to the anti-responsibility list is
an act of self-betrayal. It is to give up on oneself and sometimes on others.
As I share the following stories, I hope you will observe how going to the
anti-responsibility list is counterproductive, even if you are right.
Story 1: 100 Percent Responsibility in the Distribution Center
In 1983 a few partners and I started a new company
that taught time-management seminars and created and sold day planners.
For corporate seminars, we sent our
consultants to the client’s headquarters, where they taught at the corporate
training facilities. Prior to the seminar, two employees in our distribution
center would prepare and ship several boxes of training materials, such as the
day planners, binders, and forms. Also included was a participant’s seminar
guidebook of around a hundred pages with quotes, fill-in-the blanks, graphs,
and illustrations.
The two distribution center employees would
normally send the seminar shipment ten days before the seminar. At the time
that the following incident occurred, we were teaching around 250 seminars each
month. With so many seminar shipments, these two employees would often commit
errors, such as not shipping sufficient quantities or omitting certain
materials or not shipping on time. This became an irritating and often
embarrassing frustration for the consultants.
When these problems occurred, the seminar
division would file a complaint with me, as the distribution center was one of
my responsibilities. When I spoke with these two employees about errors and
system improvements, they never wanted to accept responsibility for the errors.
They would blame others, saying things like, “It’s not our fault. The seminar
division filled out the Seminar Supplies Request form incorrectly, and we sent
the shipment exactly according to their specifications. It’s their fault. You
can’t blame us!” Or they might say, “We shipped it on time, but the freight
company delivered it late. You can’t blame us!” Another excuse was, “The binder
subsidiary packaged the individual seminar kits with errors, and we shipped the
kits as they were given to us. It’s their fault.” It seemed these two employees
were never responsible for the errors, and so the errors continued.
Then something critical happened. The director
of training for a large multinational corporation attended one of our seminars
and was so thrilled with it that she invited us to teach a pilot seminar to its
fifty or so top executives. On the day of the seminar, our consultant arrived
and opened the boxes of materials and discovered that the seminar guidebooks
were missing. Without the seminar guidebooks, how would the participants follow
along and take notes? Their training director was panic-stricken. Our
consultant did the best he could by making sure each participant was given a
pad of paper on which to take notes throughout the day, and the seminar turned
out reasonably well, even without the guidebooks.
Extremely embarrassed and angry, their
training director called our seminar division and said, “You will never teach
here again! How could you have made such an embarrassing and inexcusable error
with our pilot seminar?”
An upset senior vice president of our
seminar division called me and said, “This is the last straw. We are about to
lose a million-dollar account because of the distribution center’s errors. We
simply can’t tolerate any more errors!”
As one of the owners of the company, I
couldn’t tolerate such errors either. At the same time, I did not want to see
these two breadwinners fired. After pondering possible solutions, I decided to
implement an incentive system to motivate these two men to be more careful. For
each seminar shipped correctly, they would receive one additional dollar, or a
possibility of an extra $250 each month—hopefully enough to focus their
attention on quality. However, if they made one error, a one-dollar penalty
wasn’t much of a loss. I therefore decided to also include two $100 bonuses for
no errors. With the first error they not only lost one dollar but also the first
$100 bonus. If they made a second error, they lost the second $100 bonus.
I also told these employees, “If there is an
error, you will lose your bonus, regardless of where that error originates. You
are 100 percent responsible for that shipment.”
“Well, that’s not fair,” they responded.
“What happens if the seminar division fills out the Seminar Supplies Request
form incorrectly and, not knowing, we send the shipment with ‘their’ errors?”
I said, “You will lose your bonus. You are
100 percent responsible for that shipment’s success.”
“That’s not fair! What happens if we send
the shipment on time but the freight company delivers it late?”
“You will lose your bonus. You are 100
percent responsible.”
“That’s not fair! What happens if the binder
division commits errors in prepackaging the individual seminar kits? You can’t
blame us for their mistakes!”
“You will lose your bonus,” I once again
responded. “You are 100 percent responsible for that shipment’s success. Do you
“That isn’t fair!!”
“Well, it may not seem fair, but that’s
life. You will lose your bonus.”
What I did was eliminate the anti-responsibility
list as an option for them. They now understood that they could no longer
blame others, make excuses, or justify errors—even when they were right and it
was someone else’s fault!
What happened next was fascinating to
observe. When they would receive an order from the seminar division, they would
call the seminar division to review the form item by item. They took
responsibility for correcting any errors committed by the seminar division.
They began to read the freight company’s documents to make sure the correct
delivery date was entered. They began to mark the cardboard shipping boxes “one
of seven,” “two of seven,” etc., with each box’s contents written on the
outside of the box. They began sending shipments three or four days earlier
than they had in their previous routine. A few days before the seminar they
would call the client company to verify receipt of the shipment and the
contents. If they had somehow omitted any materials, they had three or four
extra days now to send missing items by express shipment. Errors finally
stopped happening, and the employees began to earn their bonuses month after
month. It was a life-changing experience for them to learn firsthand the power,
control, and reward of being 100 percent responsible.
What these two employees learned is that
when they blamed someone else, they were surrendering control of the shipment’s
success to others—such as the seminar division or the freight company. They
learned that excuses keep you from taking control of your life. They learned
that it is self-defeating to blame others, make excuses, or justify
mistakes—even when you are right! The moment you do any of these self-defeating
things, you lose control over the positive outcomes you are seeking in life.
Story 2: “Putting My Marriage Before My Pride”
Let me quote from the experience of a young
Like any couple, my husband and I have had
disagreements during our marriage. But one incident stands out in my mind. I no
longer recall the reason for our disagreement, but we ended up not speaking at
all, and I remember feeling that it was all my husband’s fault. I felt I had
done absolutely nothing for which I needed to apologize.
As the day went by, I waited for my husband
to say he was sorry. Surely he could see how wrong he was. It must be obvious
how much he had hurt my feelings. I felt I had to stand up for myself; it was
the principle that mattered.
As the day was drawing to a close, I started
to realize that I was waiting in vain, so I went to the Lord in prayer. I
prayed that my husband would realize what he had done and how it was hurting
our marriage. I prayed that he would be inspired to apologize so we could end
our disagreement.
As I was praying, I felt a strong impression
that I should go to my husband and apologize. I was a bit shocked by this
impression and immediately pointed out in my prayer that I had done nothing
wrong and therefore should not have to say I was sorry. A thought came strongly
to my mind: “Do you want to be right, or do you want to be married?”
As I considered this question, I realized
that I could hold onto my pride and not give in until he apologized, but how
long would that take? Days? I was miserable while we weren’t speaking to each
other. I understood that while this incident itself wouldn’t be the end of our
marriage, if I were always unyielding, that might cause serious damage over the
years. I decided it was more important to have a happy, loving marriage than to
keep my pride intact over something that would later seem trivial.
I went to my husband and apologized for
upsetting him. He also apologized, and soon we were happy and united again in
Since that time there have been occasions when
I have needed to ask myself that question again: “Do you want to be right, or
do you want to be married?” How grateful I am for the great lesson I learned
the first time I faced that question. It has always helped me realign my
perspective and put my husband and my marriage before my own pride.5
In the story, this sister learned that even
if she may have been right and it was her husband’s fault, blaming him was
counterproductive, causing her to lose control over positive outcomes. She also
discovered that there is power and control in the expression “I’m sorry” when
it is used with love unfeigned and empathy—not merely to excuse ourselves.
In a marriage, a 50 percent attitude on both
parts may seem logical, but only a 100 percent attitude on both parts closes
the door to the anti-responsibility list. A final lesson that this sister
learned is that you cannot control the agency of another person—only your own.
A loving mother once gave the following wise
counsel to her daughter, who was unhappy with a struggling marriage. She had
the daughter draw a vertical line down the middle of a sheet of paper and write
down on the left side all the things her husband did that bothered her. Then,
on the right side, she had her write down her response to each offense. The
mother then had her cut the paper in half, separating the two lists.
“Now throw the paper with your husband’s
faults in the garbage. If you want to be happy and improve your marriage, stop
focusing on your husband’s faults and focus instead on your own behavior.
Examine the way you are responding to the things that bother you and see if you
can respond in a different, more positive way.”
This mother understood the power and wisdom
of 100 percent responsibility.
Of course the Savior was the most
responsible person in the history of the world. His is the greatest example.
Even in His moments of excruciating pain and anguish, He showed no self-pity,
one of the dysfunctional items on the list. He was always thinking outward with
His ever-selfless care and concern for others—restoring a soldier’s ear in
Gethsemane and, later, on the cross, praying for those who had despitefully
used Him—in fulfillment of His own commandment to do so: “Father, forgive them;
for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
The more we are like Jesus Christ, the less
likely we are to judge unrighteously, to give up on someone, or to quit a
worthy cause. Even though we may sometimes give up on ourselves, the Savior
never gives up on us, because He is perfect in His long-suffering:
“Notwithstanding their sins, my bowels are filled with compassion towards them”
(D&C 101:9).
Jesus Christ did not come to find fault,
criticize, or blame. He came to build up, edify, and save (see Luke 9:56).
However, His compassion does not nullify His expectation that we be fully
responsible and never try to minimize or justify sin. “For I the Lord cannot
look upon sin with the least degree of allowance” (D&C 1:31; see also Alma
45:16). If the Lord cannot look upon sin with even the least degree of
allowance, what law of the gospel demands complete and full responsibility for
That would be the law of justice. “What, do
ye suppose that mercy can rob justice? I say unto you, Nay; not one whit. If
so, God would cease to be God” (Alma 42:25; see also verse 24). Not in the
“least degree” and “not one whit” are other ways of saying that God holds His
children 100 percent responsible for the use of their agency. The danger of the
anti-responsibility list consists in the fact that it blinds its victims to the
need for repentance. Laman and Lemuel, for example, didn’t see a need to repent
because it was all Nephi’s fault. “If it’s not my fault, why should I repent?”
The one blinded can’t even take the first step in the repentance process, which
is to recognize the need for repentance.
Alma understood very well how excuses keep
us from repenting, as we discover in this verse where he counseled his wayward
son, Corianton:
What, do ye suppose that mercy can rob
justice? I say unto you, Nay; not one whit. If so, God would cease to be God.
. . .
O my son, I desire that ye should deny
the justice of God no more. Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the
least point because of your sins, by denying the justice of God; but
do you let the justice of God, and his mercy, and his long-suffering have full
sway in your heart; and let it bring you down to the dust in humility. [Alma 42:25, 30]
As we learn from this verse, those who use
excuses are “denying justice”—the Nehor principle—and believe that the law of
justice doesn’t apply to them. Alma was pleading with his son not to go to the
list. “Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point.”
He was teaching his son to be 100 percent responsible.
To deny God’s justice—or to say we are not
accountable for sin—is to also deny His justification in the forgiveness of
that sin: “The Lord surely should come to redeem his people, but that he should
not come to redeem them in their sins, but to redeem
them from their sins” (Helaman 5:10; emphasis added).
Satan successfully divides the complimentary
principles of mercy and justice when a person succumbs to the temptation to
deny the Lord’s justice. Denying the Lord’s justice comes in at least two
forms. The first, which I have already mentioned, is to deny the law of justice
in regard to one’s own sins, something both Korihor and Nehor advocated. A
second and equally damaging denial is not trusting in the Lord’s justice or in
His wisdom in dealing with the injustices others have perpetrated against us.
In the movie based on the masterfully
written classic The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas,
Edmond Dantès, the protagonist, is an honest and loving man who turns bitter
and vengeful after three covetous men bear false witness against him and frame
him in a treasonous plot. When a corrupt public prosecutor becomes complicit,
Dantès is arrested on the very day he is to be married to his beautiful
fiancée, Mercédès. At age nineteen he is given a life sentence in the infamous
island prison of Chateau d’If for a crime he did not commit.
After many tortuous years in solitary
confinement, he finally meets another prisoner, the elderly Abbé Faria, who in
his search for freedom has miscalculated and tunneled his way to Edmond’s cell
rather than to an outside wall and freedom. With a tunnel now connecting their
cells and nothing but time on their hands, Faria begins to teach Dantès
history, science, philosophy, and languages, turning him into a well-educated
man. Faria also bequeaths to Dantès a treasure of vast wealth hidden on the
uninhabited island of Monte Cristo and tells him how to find it, should he ever
Knowing that vengeance could consume and
destroy Dantès, Abbé Faria teaches him a final lesson before he dies. The
lesson is to not deny the Lord’s justice.
Abbé Faria says, “Do not commit the crime
for which you now serve the sentence. God said, ‘Vengeance is mine.’”
Dantès responds, “I don’t believe in God.”
Abbé Faria then says, “It doesn’t matter. He
believes in you.”6
Dantès remains unconvinced. Upon the death
of Faria, Dantès devises a clever plan by hiding himself in the death shroud of
Faria and is finally able to escape his fourteen years of torment from Chateau
d’If. After securing the treasure, he becomes extremely wealthy and assumes a
new identity as the Count of Monte Cristo.
For the evil men who conspired against him,
he devises an elaborate plan of revenge with a painful and prolonged
punishment—a just recompense for the fourteen years he barely survived in the
dungeon to which they had unjustly sent him.
With precision Dantès sets in motion his
plan, and his enemies suffer the punishment he has carefully devised for each
one of them.
When we read the book or watch the movie
version of The Count of Monte Cristo, there is something in us
that wants to see justice served against those cruel and conspiring men who
inflicted so much pain on an innocent man. There is a sense of fairness and a
desire in each of us that good must prevail over evil, that things lost must be
restored, and that broken hearts must be mended. Until these things happen,
there is an injustice gap that is hard for us to reconcile in our minds and
even more so in our hearts—leaving us troubled and finding it difficult to move
People try to reconcile this injustice gap
in many ways: through seeking revenge, justifying their anger and bitterness,
or seeking legal redress and imposed consequences. We ultimately discover that
the Lord’s way is the only way for true and complete reconciliation.
The error of Dantès was not necessarily
seeking redress and justice according to the law of the land and bringing
devious facts to light with appropriate penalties for the guilty but in letting
his desire for justice turn to hatred, anger, self-pity, self-justification,
and other disabling behaviors on the anti-responsibility list. He essentially
descended to his enemies’ level of ungodliness, and he used deception, lies,
and fraud to entrap them—all outside the lawful process—just as they had done to
him and just as Abbé Faria had prophesied.
By relying on the law of Moses—an eye for an
eye and a tooth for a tooth—rather than on the law of the gospel, including
forgiving and praying for one’s enemies, Dantès imposed a life sentence of
misery and bitterness upon himself. In denying the Lord’s justice for others,
he unwittingly denied the Lord’s mercy for himself and chose to serve the
sentence that Christ had already served in his behalf. It robbed him of a life
of happiness that could have been his but for the want of revenge.
Having faith in Jesus Christ is to trust
that because of His atoning sacrifice, He will correct all injustices, restore
all things lost, and mend all things broken, including hearts. He will make all
things right, not leaving any detail unattended. Therefore, “ye ought to say in
your hearts—let God judge between me and thee, and reward thee according to thy
deeds” (D&C 64:11).
Like Edmond Dantès, many victims have been
so cruelly injured, such as in abuse cases, with no apparent justice
forthcoming, that they felt like the Lord was requiring the impossible by
asking them to forgive.
As hard as forgiving may be in such
situations, not forgiving is even harder over the long run because it puts a
person on the disabling anti-responsibility list. Not forgiving is a synonym
with blaming, anger, self-justifying, and self‑pity—all things that are on the
list. When Satan taps into any of these negative emotions, he begins exercising
control over a person’s life.
One of the most difficult times to forgive
is in the case of spouse abuse, with its accompanying anguish, pain of
betrayal, and cruelty. There is an interesting and common pattern with abuse
cases: the abuser nearly always blames the victim, just as Laman and Lemuel
blamed Nephi for their abuse of him. The Lord warned Nephi to separate his
family from his brothers and their wicked intentions so he could protect
himself and his family (see 2 Nephi 5:1–7). Let’s assume that a woman who has
been cruelly abused receives similar revelation, and she separates from her
extremely abusive husband.
Even though the abused woman is now free
from the abusive environment, she is finding it hard to forgive her husband for
the sustained and escalating cruelty. It seems unfair to ask her to forgive his
brutality when he seems to be unrepentant. It doesn’t seem fair for her, the
innocent one, to be suffering while he, the guilty one, appears to get off
scot-free. Is there peace to be found without justice?
Like Edmond Dantès, until the abused wife
learns to forgive, she is also denying or not trusting in the justice of God
and His ability to judge wisely.
Justice is an eternal law that requires a
penalty each time a law of God is broken (Alma 42:13–24). The sinner must pay
the penalty if he does not repent (Mosiah 2:38–39; D&C 19:17). If he does
repent, the Savior pays the penalty through the Atonement, invoking mercy (Alma
If the former husband does not repent, he
will pay the penalty—“how sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea,
how hard to bear you know not” (D&C 19:15). The wife will know if he truly
repents because his restitution will include humbly and sincerely asking for
her forgiveness and his striving to make amends.
Even though the wife may understand the law
of justice, what she is feeling is the need for justice now. Elder Neal A.
Maxwell wisely taught that “faith in God includes faith in His purposes as well
as in His timing. We cannot fully accept Him while rejecting His schedule.”8 Elder Maxwell also said, “The gospel
guarantees ultimate, not proximate, justice.”9 “Behold, mine eyes see and know all
their works, and I have in reserve a swift judgment in the season thereof, for
them all” (D&C 121:24).
The law of justice and trusting in the
Lord’s timing allows the wife not to worry about justice anymore and places
judgment in God’s hands: “Behold what the scripture says—man shall not smite,
neither shall he judge; for judgment is mine, saith the Lord, and vengeance is
mine also, and I will repay” (Mormon 8:20).
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland shared this
helpful insight:
Please don’t ask if it is fair. . . . When it comes to
our own sins, we don’t ask for justice. What we plead for is mercy—and that is
what we must be willing to give.
Can we see the tragic irony of not granting
to others what we need so badly ourselves?10
Those who have experienced permanent damage,
prolonged suffering, or loss from an offense face a far more difficult
challenge in forgiving and turning justice over to the Lord. Hopefully they can
find comfort in something the Prophet Joseph Smith taught: “What can [these
misfortunes] do? Nothing. All your losses will be made up to you in the
resurrection, provided you continue faithful.”11
Until the abused woman can turn justice over
to the Lord, she will likely continue to experience feelings of anger—which are
a form of negative devotion toward her abuser—and this traps her in a recurring
nightmare. President George Albert Smith referred to this as “cherish[ing] an
improper influence.”12 With her husband having hurt her so
deeply, why would the wife allow him to continue victimizing her by haunting
her thoughts? Hasn’t she suffered enough? Not forgiving her abuser allows him
to mentally torment her over and over and over. Forgiving him doesn’t set him
free; it sets her free.
Part of understanding forgiveness is to
understand what it is not:
- Forgiving
her abusive husband does not excuse or condone his cruelty.
- Forgiving
does not mean forgetting his brutality; you cannot unremember or erase a
memory that is so traumatic.
- Forgiving
does not mean that justice is being denied, because mercy cannot rob
- Forgiving
does not erase the injury he has caused, but it can begin to heal the
wounds and ease the pain.
- Forgiving
does not mean trusting him again and giving him yet another chance to
abuse her and the children. While to forgive is a commandment, trust has
to be earned and evidenced by good behavior over time, which he clearly
has not demonstrated.
- Forgiving
does not mean forgiveness of his sins. Only the Lord can do that, based
upon sincere repentance.
These are things that forgiveness does not
mean. What forgiveness does mean is to forgive the husband’s foolishness—even
his stupidity—in succumbing to the impulses of the natural man and at the same
time still hope that he will yet yield “to the enticings of the Holy Spirit”
(Mosiah 3:19). Forgiveness does not mean giving him another chance to abuse,
but it does mean giving him another chance at the plan of salvation.
It is also helpful if the wife understands
“that we are punished by our sins and not for them.”13 She then recognizes that her abuser
has inflicted far more eternal damage upon himself than temporal damage upon
her. And even in the present, his true happiness and joy diminish in inverse
proportion to his increased wickedness, because “wickedness never was
happiness” (Alma 41:10). He is to be pitied for the sorrowful and precarious
situation he is in.
Knowing that he is sinking in spiritual
quicksand might begin to change her desire for justice—which is already
occurring—to a hope that he will repent before it is too late. With this
understanding she might even begin to pray for the one who has despitefully
abused her.
This Christlike change in her heart helps
her to forgive and brings about the healing she so desperately wants and
deserves. The Savior knows exactly how to heal her because He precisely knows
her pain, having lived it vicariously.
In this scenario of the abused wife, we have
two parties—the abusive husband and the victim-wife, both of whom need divine
help. Alma teaches us that the Savior suffered for both: for the sins of the
man and for the anguish, heartache, and pain of the woman (see Alma 7:11–12;
Luke 4:18).
To access the Savior’s grace and the healing
power of His Atonement, the Savior requires something from both of them.
The husband’s key to access the Lord’s grace
is repentance. If the husband doesn’t repent, he cannot be
forgiven by the Lord (see D&C 19:15–17).
The wife’s key to access the Lord’s grace
and then allow Him to heal her is forgiveness. Until the wife
is able to forgive, she is choosing to suffer the anguish and pain that He has
already suffered on her behalf. By not forgiving, she unwittingly denies His
mercy and healing. In a sense, she fulfills this scripture:
I, God, have suffered these things
. . . that they might not suffer. . . .
But if they would not repent [or forgive,] they must suffer
even as I. [D&C 19:16–17]
In summary, being 100 percent responsible is
accepting yourself as the person in control of your life. If others are at
fault and need to change before further progress is made, then you are at their
mercy and they are in control over the positive outcomes or desired results in
your life. Agency and responsibility are inseparably connected. You cannot
avoid responsibility without also diminishing agency. Mercy and justice are
also inseparable. You cannot deny the Lord’s justice without also impeding His
mercy. Oh, how Satan loves to divide complementary principles and laugh at the
resulting devastation!
I invite each one of you to eliminate the
anti-responsibility or anti-faith list from your life, even when you are right!
It is an anti-happy and an anti-success list even when you are right. It is not
a list for the valiant sons and daughters of God who are seeking to become more
like Him. It is one of Satan’s foremost tools in controlling and destroying
lives. The day a person eliminates the list from their life is the day they
regain control over positive outcomes from that point on, and they begin moving
forward in the light at an accelerated pace (see D&C 50:24).
I bear my certain witness of the name of
Jesus Christ and of the power and happiness that the fulness of His gospel
affords us. He is the Life and the Light of the World. These principles that I
shared today are His. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Lynn G. Robbins, a member of the Presidency
of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, delivered
this devotional address on August 22, 2017, during BYU Campus Education Week.
What an enlightening talk!
Con amor,
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