Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Goal setting

For the 2018  year I have set 10 new goals:

1. lose the weight
2. write the book
3. Read the Book of Mormon underlying a theme like faith or character of Christ.
4. Work on all my Family History
5. Learn to play piano
6. Learn to knit
8. Train for a marathon
9. write on my journal daily
10.Keep my blogs updated

But life is getting on its way so I want to share a post I saw on Facebook

Suggestions for planning a day:

         1. Set aside a quiet, prayerful time each morning for planning.
         2. Focus on what you need to do that day.
         3. Write what you need to do on a task list.
         4. Prioritize your list.
         5. Use your time wisely to accomplish the most important items.

 Points to Ponder

         •What are the top 10 priorities in your life?

•In what ways are worthwhile goals important in achieving eternal life?

•In what ways can you better manage your time?

•What are some less-important activities that consume too much of your time?

 •Why is the wise use of time an eternal concern?

These are great questions to ask ourselves as we go about making our goals. 

Con amor,

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