This post reminded me so much of how
Daniel is. He never cares about the opinions of others who may be critics or stresses too much because he knows he is trying to do the
best job he can and tries to do hard things.

This world is full of those who would sit
back and criticize others, make snarky comments about others, tear others down
or belittle their efforts. And why wouldn’t it be full of those people? It is
so easy to be one of those people. Talking trash about someone takes very
little effort. Finding fault with someone takes very little effort. What takes
effort is to be that person who is out there fighting the fight, giving it
their all, attempting to do something with their lives – that takes effort, and
lots of it. It also takes courage to be the person to put yourself out there
when there is always that chance that you could actually fall on your face,
especially when you are surrounded by so many of those people in the world who
are just watching and waiting for you to go and try and fall just to give them
the opportunity to make fun or belittle your attempt. But stop for just a
moment and ask yourself this question – if I was watching the person make the
attempt and the person in the grandstands criticizing them…which of those two
people would I feel the most proud of? Which of those two people is the person
I would most like to emulate?
For me, that is a very easy question to
answer – I always want to be that person who is out there making the effort. I
don’t care if that person is the one who tries and possibly fails, I just love
that the person was willing to try in the first place! That is the person I
most want to be in my life. There is something so noble to me about the person
who is willing to try. It’s their efforts that make them amazing in my eyes.
Maybe that’s because I know what it feels like to try and fail at things and I
know how much inner strength it takes to get back up and brush yourself off and
start again. I know how much you grow in that process and I know how much
wisdom you gain going through those trials and failures and the will it takes
to get back up and start again. And so I have gained a true appreciation for
those individuals who choose to put themselves out there and TRY! I appreciate
the EFFORT more than I care about the OUTCOME.
If I could give a gift to people it would
be to help them focus on that – I would help them focus on their efforts and
have them not worry about the outcomes. So many problems with people’s self-esteem
or self-worth today come because of this messed up belief that it’s a person’s
outcomes that defines them. That just isn’t true. 99% of the time you have no
control on the outcome of a situation as there are a million other factors that
come into play when determining an actual outcome. But 100% of the time you
have ABSOLUTE CONTROL on your own EFFORTS in life. No one else can influence
your efforts unless you choose to let them. You control your effort completely,
and don’t ever forget that. Don’t worry about what “other people” might think
or say or even what other people will choose to believe about you. None of
those “other people” are your judge in life anyway – that is totally between
you and God and I am quite certain that He won’t care to
what the “other people” thought. He knows exactly what efforts you make and
that is all that matters.
Don’t ever let yourself hold back your own
efforts out of fear of what others may say or think, or fear of the unknown, or
fear of the outcome not being what you want it to be. Never curb your efforts
based on something like that. Go for those goals that you want to achieve the
most in your life. Make the efforts to get them. And then don’ t worry about
the outcome of those goals – just focus on doing your part of the effort 100%
and then trust that the outcome will be EXACTLY as it is meant to be. I can
tell you that I believe in that with all my heart. I truly do. I have seen it
over and over again in my own life. And nothing feels better than going to bed
at the end of each day being able to say that “today I gave my best effort, and
tomorrow I will do the same”. You can do so much more than you have even begun
to dream of at this point in your life. Stop holding yourself back for all the wrong
reasons. Be that person who is down in the stadium trying and never, ever allow
yourself to be that bystander up in the bleachers criticizing those who try….
The best quote on this topic is:
“It is not the critic who counts, not the
man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could
have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who
errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without
error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions,
who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the
triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he
fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold
and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” –Theodore Roosevelt
Your challenge is to face this week without fear of failure and
without fear of critics. Give your best efforts to accomplish those goals
that matter most to you. Focus on your efforts and then TRUST the outcome will
be as it should be!
Congratulations Nixon for a job well done and don't forget to keep trying.
Con amor,
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