Sunday, September 16, 2018

The wisdom of a tree

Wisdom taught By Example of a Tree

One of my very favorite poets is Shel Silverstein, and one of my very favorite books, which he wrote, is called “The Giving Tree”.    It’s an amazing story of a tree that loves a young boy.  The tree cares for the boy, protects the boy, feeds the boy, and over the years ultimately gives every part of itself to help the boy to be happy, which is what gives the tree its joy.  The book is a story of unselfish love and service and the joy that brings into our lives.

So often in life when we start to feel down we will find that our focus has become too much on ourselves, on our own problems, on our own wants and needs.  The more we focus on ourselves the easier it is to become discouraged and depressed. 

By the same token, when we are feeling the greatest happiness we will notice that our focus has been pointed on helping others.  The more we focus on helping others, the more joy and contentment we feel in our own life.We are talking a lot about ministering in Church. to be of service to others. 

Yes, that book has some amazing lessons that come from the example of the wise and loving tree.  It’s a book that is always worth the quick read (its short with big print and pictures which is always my favorite :)). So today’s challenge is for all of us to be more like the wise and giving tree.  And in honor of wise trees here are a few more words of advice from another wise tree:

Advice from a Tree:
*Stand tall and be proud
* Go out on a limb
* Remember your roots
* Drink plenty of water
*Be content with your natural beauty
* Enjoy the View

Con amor,

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