Friday, September 21, 2018

Trials help us grow

Today we took Sharon Eubank to the airport and felt a peace with some of my trials because no one is except from having them. Some women were never blessed to become mothers for example and this thought came to mind. 

 “Have you ever gone through something difficult and that experience allowed you to empathize with friends or even strangers who were facing a similar challenge? Or have you seen others experience sorrow from difficult circumstances and turn their pain into a moving, empowering cause? The trials we face allow us to develop compassion for others and can inspire us to make a difference in the world, in big and small ways. They enable us to truly be “willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light” (Mosiah 18:8)

….Trials can open our eyes to those who are suffering. They can enable us to show others genuine compassion and love. They can refine us to be more charitable, empathetic, and influential humans. They can instill in us a powerful need to serve….Take a moment to think about what you’ve learned because of bad things that have happened. There’s no doubt you will recognize those moments when you were able to sincerely understand someone else’s sorrow because of something you once faced” – Chakell Wardleigh

As much as we would all like to avoid life’s painful trials, there is much to be said for the value of being able to notice when someone is suffering because you recognize the hurt in their eyes because you have seen it before reflected in your own during past struggles…there is a deep compassion you can provide someone who is suffering when you yourself have suffered through similar things…there is great comfort in being able to give genuine comfort to someone because your heart has been where there heart is and they know you understand their pains…and knowing that your trials may help benefit another is healing…

Be strong in your trials as someday they will allow you to help someone else. That is what I hope I can do for anyone going through a painful divorce and keep my chin up. I need to count my many blessings even in circumstances when I might be scared or feel sad. 

Con amor,

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