Thursday, January 21, 2021

When a plan comes together

Daniel is 66 today, so far, his life has been a huge adventure.  From starting his first real job as an engineer at age 22 to becoming a DTA in many areas of the world including South America South where we are today.  His passion has always included helping people become self-reliant among other things. He loves to build people. He loves to see his employees succeed. That is when he is the happiest and feels accomplished. 


When I think of all that has happened these past 41 years of Daniel’s professional life, I can only say WOW!  Now that is what I call a plan coming together – mixed of course with years of hard work, plenty of ups and down, a fair share of failures, so many lessons learned, the amazing talents of so many people who were with him helping him along the way, and of course God’s amazing hand each step of the way. 


Throughout the years, I have learned that the plan we have in our heads is usually nowhere near as large as the plan God has for us. You see we typically have the stick figure drawing of our future as the picture in our head, while God has an entire masterpiece planned for our future…..He is so much better at seeing our potential then we are, and I am so glad that we get the opportunity to be placed in that masterpiece He pictured rather than our little stick figure drawing!


I am so grateful for the beautiful Masterpiece God has for us. I am grateful that I get to be in the picture with Daniel. I am proud of what he has accomplished in his 66 years of living thanks to a loving Heavenly Father. Today is a day we get to celebrate his birthday and all the joy he brings to everyone around him. I wrote on Facebook, “Thanks for making my tears turn to big smiles! Thanks for all the great adventures and making me feel so loved! You are my sunshine! In the last year, we’ve spent time at home 24/7 and I have absolutely loved every minute of it! Have a fabulous day and year!  You are my rock. I love you! 


And since January was my birthday too, my wish is coming true. Tomorrow I am off to be with Bianca and family. It was not easy to get everything in place for me to travel but it feels so good when a plan comes together. 


Con amor,


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

For the Record

 People have been posting the following of our current situation:


*Gas is currently $2.42 per gallon.

*Interest rates are 2.75 % for a 30 -year mortgage.

*Homes have appreciated producing a robust strong housing market.

*The stock market closed 30829.40 though we have been fighting COVID for 11 months.

*The GOP growth for the 3rd quarter was 33.1%

*Unprecedented economic boom until COVID and it is recovering well. 

*No wars for the past four years and our troops came home.

*ISIS has not been heard from for over three years.

*7 million new jobs were created. 

*Middle class family income increased nearly $6,000 

*Unemployment rate reached 3.5 % pre-COVOD the lowest in fifty years & sits at 6.7 % 

*Unprecedented peace deals were signed by four countries in the Middle East. 

*North Korea is under control and has not been testing any missiles.


The new administration Biden/Harris is now on the clock. Let’s see how the next four -year’s fair. I am not a fan of Biden nor Trump. In all fairness, I should disclose that for the past two elections I have not experienced a clear inclination for one candidate or another.  I have cared less who won or lost. I have serious disagreements with many of the policy directions of both parties. I am a middle of the road and that is a lonely place to be. 

I do however, give each President the benefit of the doubt and pray for their well -being regardless of what party they belong. Based on Bidens inaugural address alone, I am optimistic at the promise of unity, tolerance, and collaboration. I welcome the tone. One good thing of having a liberal President is that the media will treat this new president with courtesy and respect.  May we all find a way to live and work together in harmony. That is my prayer for this day. 

Con amor, 



Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Launching our "Ladies luncheons"

Today I was reminded of how rewarding it is to make new friends. Let me explain. 


I decided last week it was about time to host a luncheon with our dear expat friends who work with Daniel. I had this type of luncheons with the expat sisters in the Dominican Republic and wanted to do the same here. 


I was able to sit down with five amazing ladies who share a lot of the same. We share the fact that we are here temporarily and we are all supporting our husbands.  I love the fact that finally today for the first time we were able to sit down and spend a little time talking and getting to know more about one another as people over lunch. We were able to learn more about each other’s lives and families and our similar trials and struggles we shared as mothers. 


“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You, too? I Thought I was the only one.” – C.S. Lewis


It is amazing how spending a simple lunch talking can create an amazing bond of friendship. C.S. Lewis’s words really are true – friendship really does begin with the simple realization of “you too?” and finding out you’re not the only one


You too? I thought I was the only one.


So true! One would think that it becomes easier to make new friends as you become an adult because at that stage in life you are more comfortable in your own skin, and you have a better feel for who you are as a person. The problem is that when you finally get to that stage in life, your life is usually completely chaotic with marriage, raising children, working full time, serving in your community and your church, and a million other things which make it really hard to make time for existing friends, let alone having time to make new friends.


What if I told you that having more friends could literally save your life?  Would that make it worth making time and putting in effort to make new friends and strengthen existing ones? Well, guess what – it’s true!  Here is proof! 


A study done at Brigham Young University reported that social connections to friends improves our odds of survival by 50 percent!  50%!!!  The same study showed that having too few friends (low social interaction) is the equivalent health risk to smoking 15 cigarettes per day, equivalent to being an alcoholic, more harmful than not exercising, and twice as harmful as obesity.  And this effect wasn’t just isolated to older adults, it was across all age groups.


When I read the study I was shocked to see how damaging it is to not have more friends in your life – Equal to being an alcoholic, smoking 15 cigarettes every day, and twice as harmful as obesity?!?!? WOW! I had no idea that a lack of friendships had such a negative impact on our physical health. But I guess if you really think about it that it makes sense:


“When someone is connected to a group and feels responsibility for other people, that sense of purpose and meaning translates to taking better care of themselves and taking fewer risks.”  –  Holt-Lunstad


The pandemic has prevented us from socializing for almost a year but hopefully that will soon end as more people get vaccinated and that is what I am so looking forward to! 


Con amor,


Monday, January 18, 2021

Everybody can be great!

Today in my morning meditation and journaling, I gave thanks for people like Martin Luther King Jr. so it is fitting to express gratitude for the amazing life he lived and the example he set for all of us of how one person can make a difference in the world. He stood up for what he believed with unwavering courage. He conducted himself with integrity and honor even when those around him did not. He didn’t fight back in anger or use violence, even though at times it may have seemed justified if he had. He instead chose to lead from a place of love and tolerance and respect for all. This is one man who changed the world for the better. He left behind an example for every one of us that one person, just one person can make a difference. I hope and pray this coming week will be a peaceful one. I am glad a day has been set aside to honor Martin Jr. King Jr. and his legacy. May we all recognize our own ability to change this world for the better and may we all desire to use our “power of one” to do just that. 


“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” Martin Luther King, Jr. (I guess you can say that I am a big fan of MLK Jr.)





One song can spark a moment
One flower can wake the dream
One tree can start a forest
One bird can herald spring


One smile begins a friendship
One handclasp lifts a soul
One star can guide a ship at sea
One word can frame the goal


One vote can change a nation
One sunbeam lights a room
One candle wipes out darkness
One laugh will conquer gloom


One step must start each journey
One word must start each prayer
One hope will raise our spirits
One touch can show you care


One voice can speak with wisdom
One heart can know what’s true
One life can make the difference
You see, it’s up to you!!
(Author Unknown)


Have a wonderful week everyone!




Sunday, January 17, 2021

Becoming True Millennials

Today being a Sunday, I am sharing one of my favorite talks by President Nelson. This talk was given two years before he became the Prophet. I still remember when he came to visit us in the Philippines around this time. He demonstrated such love for the people there. I can still picture him with his wife Wendy. 


My dear brothers and sisters, this new year will surely be an eventful one. In its opening days, Wendy and I have already said farewell to my dear sister Marjory, who departed from this mortal life. We have welcomed into our family two new babies—Wade Richard Walker and Isaac Russell McDonough. And now we have the privilege of speaking with you great young adults throughout the entire world. We are very thankful for you.

I deeply appreciate Wendy’s important message and her inspiring example! I too gratefully acknowledge the attendance of Elder Kim B. Clark of the Seventy and Church Commissioner of Education; his wife, Sue; and Chad H. Webb, administrator of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, and his wife, Kristi.

I bring you greetings and love from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. We are thankful for your devotion to the Lord and His restored gospel. We are grateful for each time you stand up and speak up for truth—especially when it is not popular.

Many people refer to you as Millennials. I’ll admit that when researchers refer to you by that word and describe what their studies reveal about you—your likes and dislikes, your feelings and inclinations, your strengths and weaknesses—I’m uncomfortable. There is something about the way they use the term Millennial that bothers me. And frankly, I am less interested in what the experts have to say about you than what the Lord has told me about you.

When I pray about you and ask the Lord how He feels about you, I feel something far different from what the researchers say. Spiritual impressions I’ve received about you lead me to believe that the term Millennial may actually be perfect for you. But for a much different reason than the experts may ever understand.

The term Millennial is perfect for you if that term reminds you of who you really are and what your purpose in life really is. A True Millennial is one who was taught and did teach the gospel of Jesus Christ premortally and who made covenants with our Heavenly Father there about courageous things—even morallycourageous things—that you would do while here on earth.

A True Millennial is a man or woman whom God trusted enough to send to earth during the most compelling dispensation in the history of this world. A True Millennial is a man or woman who lives now to help prepare the people of this world for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and His millennial reign. Make no mistake about it—you were born to be a True Millennial.

The question is “How can you stand and live as a True Millennial?” I have four recommendations.

Learn Who You Really Are

My first recommendation: Learn who you really are.

Take time to think prayerfully about these facts:

·       You are an elect son or daughter of God.

·       You are created in His image.

·       You were taught in the spirit world to prepare you for anything and everything you would encounter during this latter part of these latter days.1 That teaching endures within you!

You are living in the “eleventh hour.” The Lord has declared that this is the last time that He will call laborers into His vineyard to gather the elect from the four quarters of the earth.2 And you were sent to participate in this gathering. Again and again I have seen firsthand the powerful influence of True Millennials as they bring others to a knowledge of the truth. This is part of your identity and your purpose as the seed of Abraham!3

Several months ago Wendy and I had a remarkable experience in remote Siberia. Among those traveling with us on our “P-day” in Irkutsk were the mission president, Gregory S. Brinton; his wife, Sally; and their returned-missionary son, Sam, who had served his mission in Russia. We visited beautiful Lake Baikal and a marketplace on its shores.

When we returned to our van, we noticed that Sam was missing. Moments later he returned, accompanied by a middle-aged woman named Valentina. In her native Russian, Valentina enthusiastically exclaimed, “I want to meet this young man’s mother. He is so polite, intelligent, and kind! I want to meet his mother!” Valentina was drawn to Sam’s bright, light-filled countenance.

Sam introduced Valentina to both his mother and father, gave her a tract about the Savior, and arranged for missionaries to visit her. When the missionaries returned later with a copy of the Book of Mormon, she promised to read it. Several women who work at the same place were also excited about the new book Valentina had received. We don’t yet know the end of this story, but because of the distinctive light Sam radiated, Valentina and some of her friends have been introduced to the gospel.

True Millennials, like Sam, know who they really are. They are devout disciples of Jesus Christ who instinctively seize every opportunity to help themselves and others prepare for the millennial reign of our Savior.

Therefore, my first recommendation is to learn for yourselves who you really are. Ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, how He feels about you and your mission here on earth. If you ask with real intent, over time the Spirit will whisper the life-changing truth to you. Record those impressions and review them often, and follow through with exactness.

I promise you that when you begin to catch even a glimpse of how your Heavenly Father sees you and what He is counting on you to do for Him, your life will never be the same!

Expect and Prepare to Accomplish the Impossible

My second recommendation: Expect and prepare to accomplish the impossible.

God has always asked His covenant children to do difficult things. Because you are covenant-keeping sons and daughters of God, living in the latter part of these latter days, the Lord will ask you to do difficult things. You can count on it—Abrahamic tests did not stop with Abraham.4

I know how unnerving it can be to be asked to do something that seems far beyond your capacity. I had been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for only 19 months when President Spencer W. Kimball passed away. In the first meeting of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles following President Ezra Taft Benson’s ordination, he gave specific assignments to the Twelve. His instructions to me included, “Elder Nelson, you are to open the countries of Eastern Europe for the preaching of the gospel.”

That was 1985. During those politically frigid years that we refer to as the Cold War, not only did a literal wall divide the city of Berlin, but all of Eastern Europe was under the oppressive yoke of communism. Churches were closed, and religious worship was strictly limited.

I had spent much of my professional life opening hearts to perform life-saving operations, but I had no experience that would lead me to believe I could open countries for the preaching of the gospel. And yet, a prophet had given me an assignment, so I set out to do what seemed utterly impossible.

From the outset, obstacles were placed in my way. I arrived in most countries not knowing where to go. Even when I was able to find the name of an appropriate government official, it was not unusual for a meeting to be canceled at the last minute or to be postponed. In one country, when an appointment was delayed for two days, a number of temptations were intentionally placed in my way to test me—including traps for black market money and other illicit activities. On another occasion, a meeting was opened with the demand that I depart immediately!

But the Lord is able to do His own work,5 and I was privileged to watch the unfolding of one miracle after another—always, and only, after I had brought my best thinking, my most courageous efforts, and my most fervent prayers to the task.

Recognition of the Church was granted by some of those countries before the Berlin Wall came down. Others came later. In the year 1992, I was able to report to President Benson that the Church was now established in every country in Eastern Europe!

As a True Millennial whom the Lord can count on, you will make history too! You will be asked to accept challenging assignments and become an instrument in the Lord’s hands. And He will enable you to accomplish the impossible.

How will you accomplish the impossible? By doing whatever it takes to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ by increasing your understanding of the doctrine taught in His restored Church and by relentlessly seeking truth. As a True Millennial, anchored in pure doctrine, when you are asked to do impossible things, you will be able to step forward with faith and dogged persistence and cheerfully do all that lies in your power to fulfill the purposes of the Lord.6

You will have days when you will be thoroughly discouraged. So, pray for courage not to give up! You will need that strength because it will become less and less popular to be a Latter-day Saint. Sadly, some whom you thought were your friends will betray you. And some things will simply seem unfair.

However, I promise you that as you follow Jesus Christ, you will find sustained peace and true joy. As you keep your covenants with increasing precision, and as you defend the Church and kingdom of God on the earth today, the Lord will bless you with strength and wisdom to accomplish the impossible.

Learn How to Access the Power of Heaven

My third recommendation: Learn how to access the power of heaven.

Every one of us has questions. Seeking to learn, understand, and recognize truth is a vital part of our mortal experience. Much of my life has been spent in research. You too will learn best by asking inspired questions.

At this very moment some of you are struggling to know what you should be doing with your life. Others of you may wonder if you have been forgiven of your sins. Most of you are wondering who and where your eternal companion is—and those who aren’t should be.

Some may question why the Church does some of the things it does. Perhaps many of you are not sure how to get answers to your prayers.

Our Heavenly Father and His Son stand ready to respond to your questions through the ministering of the Holy Ghost. But it is up to you to learn how to qualify for and receive those answers.

Where can you start? Begin by spending more time in holy places. The temple is a holy place. So is the chapel, where you make new sacramental covenants each Sunday. I invite you also to make your apartment, your dorm, your home, or your room a holy place where you can safely retreat from the dark distractions of the world.

Prayer is a key. Pray to know what to stop doing and what to start doing. Pray to know what to add to your environment and what to remove so the Spirit can be with you in abundance.

Plead with the Lord for the gift of discernment. Then live and work to be worthy to receive that gift so that when confusing events arise in the world, you will know exactly what is true and what is not. 7

Serve with love. Loving service to those who have lost their way or who are wounded in spirit opens your heart to personal revelation.

Spend more time—much more time—in places where the Spirit is present. That means more time with friends who are seeking to have the Spirit with them. Spend more time on your knees in prayer, more time in the scriptures, more time in family history work, more time in the temple. I promise you that as you consistently give the Lord a generous portion of your time, He will multiply the remainder.

We sustain 15 men who are ordained as prophets, seers, and revelators. When a thorny problem arises—and they only seem to get thornier each day—these 15 men wrestle with the issue, trying to see all the ramifications of various courses of action, and they diligently seek to hear the voice of the Lord. After fasting, praying, studying, pondering, and counseling with my Brethren about weighty matters, it is not unusual for me to be awakened during the night with further impressions about issues with which we are concerned. And my Brethren have the same experience.

The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles counsel together and share all the Lord has directed us to understand and to feel individually and collectively. And then we watch the Lord move upon the President of the Church to proclaim the Lord’s will.

This prophetic process was followed in 2012 with the change in minimum age for missionaries and again with the recent additions to the Church’s handbook, consequent to the legalization of same-sex marriage in some countries. Filled with compassion for all, and especially for the children, we wrestled at length to understand the Lord’s will in this matter. Ever mindful of God’s plan of salvation and of His hope for eternal life for each of His children, we considered countless permutations and combinations of possible scenarios that could arise. We met repeatedly in the temple in fasting and prayer and sought further direction and inspiration. And then, when the Lord inspired His prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, to declare the mind of the Lord and the will of the Lord, each of us during that sacred moment felt a spiritual confirmation. It was our privilege as Apostles to sustain what had been revealed to President Monson. Revelation from the Lord to His servants is a sacred process, and so is your privilege of receiving personal revelation.

My dear brothers and sisters, you have as much access to the mind and will of the Lord for your own life as we Apostles do for His Church. Just as the Lord requires us to seek and ponder, fast and pray, and study and wrestle with difficult questions, He requires you to do the same as you seek answers to your own questions.

You can learn to hear the voice of the Lord through the whisperings of the Holy Ghost.8 As helpful as Google, Twitter, and Facebook may seem, they simply do not provide answers to your most important questions!

My dear young friends, you can know the mind and will of the Lord for your own life. You do not have to wonder if you are where the Lord needs you to be or if you are doing what He needs you to do. You can know! The Holy Ghost will tell you “all things what ye should do.”9

Follow the Prophets

My fourth recommendation: Follow the prophets.

In 1979, while serving as Sunday School general president, I was invited to attend a Regional Representatives seminar during which President Spencer W. Kimball gave an inspiring address about opening the doors of nations then closed to the Church, such as China. He challenged all present to study the Mandarin language so we could offer our professional skills to help the people of China.

To me, President Kimball’s challenge seemed like a prophetic mandate. So that very night I asked my wife, Dantzel, if she would be willing to study Mandarin with me. She agreed, and we found a tutor to help us. Of course we didn’t learn to speak Mandarin very well, but we learned enough that, when I was invited the very next year (through a series of highly unexpected events) to go to China as a visiting professor to teach open-heart surgery, I was in a better position to accept the invitation.

Fast forward six years to 1985, the year after I had been called to the Quorum of the Twelve. One day I received an urgent request to go to China to perform open-heart surgery on their famous opera star, regarded throughout China as a national hero. I explained that my full-time ecclesiastical responsibility prevented my coming, but the doctors in China pleaded with me to come at once to perform the life-saving operation.

I discussed the matter with my quorum president and the First Presidency. They felt impressed that, as a favor to the people of China, I should make the trip and perform the operation.

That I did. Gratefully, the operation was a success! Incidentally, that was the last open-heart operation I ever performed. It was in Jinan, China, on March 4, 1985.

Now, fast-forward again, this time to October 2015, just three months ago. Wendy and I were invited to return to Shandong University School of Medicine in Jinan. We were amazed when I was warmly welcomed as “an old friend” of China and was reunited with surgeons I had taught 35 years earlier. A highlight of our visit was meeting with the son and grandson of that famous opera star. All of these amazing experiences were enabled for one reason: I heeded the counsel of a prophet to study Mandarin!

Prophets see ahead. They see the harrowing dangers the adversary has placed or will yet place in our path. Prophets also foresee the grand possibilities and privileges awaiting those who listen with the intent to obey. I know this is true! I have experienced it for myself over and over again.

The Lord has promised us that He will never allow the prophet to lead us astray. President Harold B. Lee declared: “You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church. It may contradict your political views. It may contradict your social views. It may interfere with some of your social life. But if you listen to these things, as if from the mouth of the Lord Himself, with patience and faith, the promise is that ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; yea, and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory’ (D&C 21:6).”10

You may not always understand every declaration of a living prophet. But when you know a prophet is a prophet, you can approach the Lord in humility and faith and ask for your own witness about whatever His prophet has proclaimed.

Around 41 b.c., many Nephites joined the Church, and the Church prospered. But secret combinations also began to grow, and many of their cunning leaders hid among the people and were difficult to detect. As the people became more and more prideful, many of the Nephites made a mock of that which was sacred, denying the spirit of prophecy and of revelation.”11

Those same threats are among us today. The somber reality is that there are “servants of Satan”12 embedded throughout society. So be very careful about whose counsel you follow.13

My beloved brothers and sisters, you were born to be True Millennials! You are a chosen generation,14 fore-determined by God to do a remarkable work—to help prepare the people of this world for the Second Coming of the Lord.

Now, as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bless each one of you, as though I had my hands upon your heads, with the ability to become the True Millennial you were born to be. I bless you to have the desire and ability to learn your true identity and purpose, that you will expect and prepare to do “impossible” things, that you will be undaunted in your efforts to learn how to access the powers of heaven to help you solve your problems and answer your questions. And I bless you to follow the prophets with exactness, to feel peace in your heart as you do so. I bless you to know and feel how much the Lord loves you and how much confidence He has in you.

I love and sustain President Thomas S. Monson in this sacred work of Almighty God. Jesus Christ is our Savior. This is His Church. We are His people! I so testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Listening to Books Vs. Reading

My mom and I have been enjoying listening to books on audible and one book we are listening is “Padre Rico, Padre Pobre” by Robert Kiyosaki. My mom loves it so much that she wants a hard copy of the book. We stop every few minutes and discuss the book. 


We all want things in life, but there are some people who are better managing money than others.  People who spend money on things that they don’t need are wasting money. And to make matters worse, people spend money they don’t have and getting into credit card debt. In the United States, our society makes us feel as though we need a new car, clothes, sneakers, and so much more. 


People who become rich understand that it is far more important to use their extra money on investments instead of wasting it on material things. And when they treat themselves to something, it is only after setting aside the cash to buy them. 


Some people feel content with going to their 9-5 job and knowing that they will have a paycheck every Friday. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, most people cannot raise a family or pay their mortgage if they don’t know how much is coming in every month. But people who become rich often sacrifice the security of a steady paycheck in order to pursue something bigger than an hourly wage. They realize that they may be taking a risk, but they feel that it’s worth trying. 


When you start a business, income can be completely unpredictable. There may be several months where you do not make any money at all. For some businesses, it can take several years before they are profitable. But for those who take that risk and come out on the other end, they are often very glad that they tried to get out of their comfort zone.


The world is always changing, especially with new technology coming out almost every day. If you are not willing to adapt to change, you are going to fall behind very quickly. For example, think about how online shopping changed the retail landscape in the past few years. Companies like Sears were so confident in their legacy and did not think it was necessary to put their products online. They believed that their customers would be so loyal, that they would continue to shop at Sears stores. Obviously, this was a huge mistake and they declared bankruptcy.


Even if you do not run a company, you still need to adapt to change if you want to succeed. Think about all the office workers who hesitated to learn Microsoft Word, because they preferred to use a typewriter. Or the people who still refuse to buy a smartphone. If you want to keep up with the working world, always be willing to adapt to change.


Successful people are usually excited to wake up in the morning, and they feel motivated to get to work. They are not forced to get up by an alarm clock or the fear of getting fired. They truly want to work, because it gets them closer to their goals. If you still feel as though you are dragging yourself out of bed each morning, it might be that you have a lack of motivation. Without a spark of joy, you are destined to stay in a situation where you may be poor.


Ask yourself what motivates you the most to get something done. Whatever it is, you need to channel that energy into your goal. For example, maybe you feel motivated to never have to commute to your job again. So, you really don’t need to be a millionaire to do that. All you really need is to find a work-from-home job.  Once you figure out what your personal definition of success is, you should begin to feel motivated to get started.


So far that is what we have discussed on the several books we have read. My mom and I love this time each afternoon. I highly recommend listening to books if you don’t have the time to sit and read. 


Con amor,
