Thursday, January 21, 2021

When a plan comes together

Daniel is 66 today, so far, his life has been a huge adventure.  From starting his first real job as an engineer at age 22 to becoming a DTA in many areas of the world including South America South where we are today.  His passion has always included helping people become self-reliant among other things. He loves to build people. He loves to see his employees succeed. That is when he is the happiest and feels accomplished. 


When I think of all that has happened these past 41 years of Daniel’s professional life, I can only say WOW!  Now that is what I call a plan coming together – mixed of course with years of hard work, plenty of ups and down, a fair share of failures, so many lessons learned, the amazing talents of so many people who were with him helping him along the way, and of course God’s amazing hand each step of the way. 


Throughout the years, I have learned that the plan we have in our heads is usually nowhere near as large as the plan God has for us. You see we typically have the stick figure drawing of our future as the picture in our head, while God has an entire masterpiece planned for our future…..He is so much better at seeing our potential then we are, and I am so glad that we get the opportunity to be placed in that masterpiece He pictured rather than our little stick figure drawing!


I am so grateful for the beautiful Masterpiece God has for us. I am grateful that I get to be in the picture with Daniel. I am proud of what he has accomplished in his 66 years of living thanks to a loving Heavenly Father. Today is a day we get to celebrate his birthday and all the joy he brings to everyone around him. I wrote on Facebook, “Thanks for making my tears turn to big smiles! Thanks for all the great adventures and making me feel so loved! You are my sunshine! In the last year, we’ve spent time at home 24/7 and I have absolutely loved every minute of it! Have a fabulous day and year!  You are my rock. I love you! 


And since January was my birthday too, my wish is coming true. Tomorrow I am off to be with Bianca and family. It was not easy to get everything in place for me to travel but it feels so good when a plan comes together. 


Con amor,


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