“Stop waiting for Friday, for summer, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now.” unknown
What an awesome reminder, right!?! I admit that I have often found myself waiting for Friday to be excited and happy about the weekend ahead rather than enjoying whatever other day of the week I am in at the time. And the quote is true – that is so dumb of me to do when instead I could be focused on enjoying the day at hand.
If you look back with that thought in mind it really makes you aware of how much time you wasted waiting for Fridays to come and how many awesome days you probably overlooked… it’s sad really….but all we can do is start from right now and do it the right way. We can start right now with an attitude of being excited for Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and every other day of our week.
We could even think of some new tradition to do every Monday, like planning a fun family home evening or getting a yummy Taco every Tuesday or having a tea Tuesdays with the grandchildren and what about exploring new museums on Wednesdays and painting watercolor on Thursdays and watching a favorite TV show every Friday, and getting pizza and ice-cream every Saturday…you get the idea… find a fun tradition you will do each different day of the week that helps you remember why you love that particular day of the week. It’s a great way to get yourself to focus on that individual day for all the happiness it can have and all the memories you can create. It’s a way to make sure we look forward to each new morning of every day of every week.
Now don’t get me wrong…I think it’s still perfectly okay to be super excited when its Friday…after all, it’s Fun Day every Friday. I’m just saying we shouldn’t hold ourselves back from being that excited about every single other day of our week! And if it takes little traditions or tricks to remind us of that then so be it! All that matters it that we remember to stop waiting for Friday and make the most of the moment we are in right now.
Con amor,
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