Today Bianca gave a beautiful talk at her Stake Conference. She introduced her family and explain that her children came to her from the miracle of fertility treatments, surrogacy, adoption and above all devine intervention from an all knowing Father in Heaven. she explained how she had felt the hand of God in her life but surprisingly it is easy to forget in the day to day. She always appreciates reminders from the spirit of God's love.
She went over to explain her story of how after being married for five years, they decided to grow their family but after years went by with negative pregnancy tests, she started to think of things she could do to help her situation. She went to the temple each week, and did anything that could help and eventually found fertility doctors and found out that she has some combinations of physical complications that makes it hard to get pregnant and if she has, she the chances of miscarrying is very high because of the chromosome issue that she discovered.
At the time she had a miscarriage she was reading in the Book of Mormon the war chapters and found a lot of hope in reading about the stripling warriors and the statistical odds of having children were the same odds that they had. She also found out that her insurance would cover for fertility treatments. She would go to the temple and as she did iniciatories she would listen to the blessings that were pronounced. She would ask why? why is this? Why I am not receiving those blessings? A thought came to her that this blessings are eternal so her perspective shifted so although she felt the same desire to have children she also felt peace.
This past General Conference she was touched by Elder Christofferson's talk about the covenant path. We make covenants that are personal and performed by Him and we can rely both in time and eternity. After so many un met expectations and disappointments, she found comfort reading 1 Corinthians 2:9. It was at this time that a friend offered her to carry a baby for her so they had two embryos left so she carried one and her friend carried the other one. They were born four months apart since her baby was born premature. Our family lovingly calls them twinsters.
Later she adopted Isaac from a text received by my friend Tia in the Philippines, and 14 months later she adopted his half sister. They are going to be sealed next July. Bianca ended up by quote from Elder Maxwell. "God is in the details and knows each one of us by name."
Con amor,
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