Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The new label

I'm a mother of three daughters and the first sister out of four so I am used to being surrounded by girls. I've been happily married to my soulmate, Daniel, for almost twelve years! Something unusual about me is I also have eight step children and many grandchildren and enjoy blending a large family. Motherhood is the best and I will never call it anything else. Why am I thinking about this topic of motherhood, you may ask? 

It all started when a saw a Facebook post from a friend. This is what she wrote: Once in a while something comes along that deeply offends me but really not so much the human me but my spirit me. While reading the news a couple of weeks ago, I read the new “label” for Mother’s that the world would try to change me into. I kind of laughed and said “oh good grief, what is next? It’ll never fly!” Ha! Not only did it fly but was put into government documents! 


I am so grateful that I know who I am, where I came from and where I am going. I know that even if I had not physically given birth to my children that inherently within me, the gift of mothering was not only given to me but to every woman that is born into humanity. 

I cannot stand by on this one and let women be so degraded into non- existence. I know that I and all women have a divine reason to be here on earth and I, with God’s help, will rise up and claim my right to be known as a woman and Mother in Zion. Nancy Rapleye


I feel exactly the same way as she does. It reminded me of an insight sister Mc Conkie shared, I would say, first of all, that I don't think any of us realize the extent of the influence that we have, whatever role we're in, or whatever way we feel a responsibility—whether it's at home or whether it's at work or whether it's in the school classroom or wherever we are, even if it's just in the grocery store. I would say to these women, “Know that your desire to live as Christ lives and to be as He would be, to act as He would act with kindness, with patience . . . makes a difference.”

And it makes a profound difference in people's lives, but you may never know the extent of that influence, because people don't usually come running back to you and say, “Oh, you made such a wonderful difference in my life.” Sometimes that does happen, and that's a nice thing, but I think the confirmation of our abilities, our capabilities really comes through the Spirit of the Lord, and just a sense that you did something and that felt good.” I feel good being a mother and grandmother and no one will ever take that away from me so please don’t refer to me as “birthing people” 


All I can say is the term “birthing people” is offensive to me and can’t believe how people vote for that. What has this world come to? 


Con amor,


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