Wednesday, November 10, 2021

How to Hold a Box of Kleenex

 Top 20 ways to minister and reach out to another person.

1. Send a text saying hi

2. Sent out an email

3. Make a phone call, especially on their birthday

4. Leave a fun treat on their door step or on their car

5. Invite them to have lunch 

6. Go to the park with them

7. Invite someone for a game night

8. Hold a movie night and invite them

9. Throw a party and invite them

10. Sit with them in church or a meeting or a class

11. Talk and listen openly

12. Share when you are struggling with something 

13. Give a hug with permission

14. Write a note or letter and send it in the mail 

15. Share a funny story. joke or meme that reflects you are thinking of them

16. Laugh or cry together

17. Recommend a book, movie or show and talk about it later

18. Share a favorite song

19. Send a favorite quote of scripture

20. Bring them dinner

Con amor,


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