Saturday, November 13, 2021

Notes from Stake Conference

“The meaning of life is to find your gift and the purpose of life is to give it away.” Anonymous 


“Just be you! You know who you are!”

One of Satan’s greatest tools to destroy us is comparison. Stop it!


Pray to know who you are and for guidance to fulfill your purpose.

Show gratitude

Say kind words to yourself daily

Focus on your future

Serve others and improve yourself

Set a big realistic goal then break it down into small goals you can do every single day to work toward the big goal. 

Celebrate your success, even the small daily ones and celebrate other’s successes too. 

Do Something different 


Here we are. After the kind of year we had, we all need a new hope. A new year is not necessarily a new you. We all struggle because the world wants to judge ourselves by many difficult standards but our worth is not judge by the outside appearance. 


If you want to change your story, you need to change your stories. 


1 Samuel 16:7 The Lord looketh on the heart”


Con amor,


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