Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas Poem

We hope you are enjoying time together with family and friends. We had our early Christmas celebration going to the end of the world a.k.a. Ushuaia last week with Deborah and Allen Haynie. They are about to finish their assignment in the Area Presidency and are heading back to Utah on Wednesday. They were here for 18 months and during their time with us, we have seen the miracle of how the work has accelerated. Everything seems much faster and more efficient compare to even a few years ago when we arrived. We hope to take some time off to see Abuela Nela.  


(This is Vero speaking.) I want to give a shout out to Daniel for his hard work. He has done it again! I don’t know how he does it but he has a gift in management. He and his team completed all their goals. I appreciate his time, effort and dedication as the Director for Temporal Affairs in this part of the world. He sets the example. Everywhere he goes he is admired. Everybody loves Daniel! What an amazing year for all of us. We pray for you and love you. Feliz Navidad!



Our Christmas Poem 2021


May this poem be an

Expression of gratitude as we

Reflect on our many blessings

Received throughout the past

Year, (despite the never-ending pandemic.) We want to


Commemorate Jesus Christ,

His birth, His life, and

Redeeming sacrifice for us.

It's great to see our children and

Spouses live and teach

Their children principles of the gospel

Message that brings happiness

And joyThanks for your love and

SupportWe love you!







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