Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Meet Me Halfway

A story from Leslee


“Months ago, I was talking to my brother who drives for UPS. We talked about his job, the hours, the tasks, the routes, and the holiday craziness. He gave me advice that day that I have since tried to incorporate into my life. He said: 

“The nicest thing you can do for your delivery driver is, to meet them half way” 


 Especially during the holiday season when these hard working souls are away from their families 6 days a week and often only see their kids an hour or two a day…. If everyone met them half way so they didn’t have to carry our boxes clear to the door…. Those minutes add up and they can get home sooner. 

So… that’s what I started to do. Some days it was half way, other days I met them right at their truck. I’ve caught a few off guard waiting while they find my box in the back, and other times they have caught me off guard as I opened the door and they were reaching to knock. 


 There is a point to this I promise. 


Recently I’ve discovered that this simple task of meeting my drivers half way has opened the doors to more than just a service to them. 

Kacey is my UPS gal. We have quick little chats and even realized we both have December birthdays. 


 it was a perfect opportunity to serve a new friend and leave her a gift on her birthday when she was delivering one of my Amazon orders. 


There are a lot of things in our lives we can meet half way. We can take the small efforts that make big impacts. 

Another situation that fits this was part of a letter I sent to a family member who was struggling. It said: 

“just because God can move the mountain, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t start the climb” 

we need to meet our Heavenly Father half way. Show him we care, we will try our best, and we want to learn the lessons he is trying to teach us. 

I hope this holiday season, we all can find those moments to meet someone half way. Take the effort. Put in the time. See the good that comes from simple service. And show love to those around us. 

It doesn’t take huge efforts to make this world a better place, it’s the little things that all add up that make the difference. 

It’s just half way. 


 Merry Christmas Friends! 


Leslee H. Wilson

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