Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Happy Twos-day!

(Today is 2/22/22)

It takes two to tango 


It takes two to tango,

is a phrase I have heard before 

many times! 

Getting married is easy 

but staying together is what counts. 

Is not about how much love 

we started out with at the beginning, 

it’s how much love we are building 

day in and day out to keep enduring. 

Today I am thankful for

My forever friend Daniel, 

and my better half; 

for without him, we would not 

Have the amazing children, 

And grandchildren 

We adore sooooo much! 

Twenty- five grandkids to be exact! 

And one on the way! 


Happy “Twos-day”

A once in a lifetime date! 




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