Mission leader’s seminar
Montevideo March 13-19
We arrived on Sunday March 13th to have everything ready for the seminar. The setting was in a beautiful iconic old hotel in Carrasco. This was the first time in over two years that we met face to face due to the pandemic or political unrest in Chile.
Elder Allan Walker gave the welcome.
“The most important part of the seminar is the time you are together sharing.” He said.
Elder Christensen: What is joy! part of this joy is go be born again and see the change in our lives. The focus of the Seminar is to become disciples of Christ.
On Wednesday, we went to the temple to do sealings.
We also had breakout session of the sisters and brethren to cover specific topics. We spoke of what it means to see the face of God.
Serve, teach, invite. Faith is what cause the change. Do and make covenants.
The first step to be a disciple is the be baptized. The importance of receiving ordinances and covenants.
Look for the talks of Elder Maxwell. There is no better joy, than to be a disciple.
Sister Burton in 2017 gave a talk on the subject of becoming a disciple.
President Nelson, April 2017 Many talk in April 2017 was about the disciples.
To love God is to obey his commandments
Peter and John found out what it meant to take his cross and follow him.
Take my yoke is to take his cross and do what he needs us to do. We feel the need to help in the work. We are refined as we go through trials.
Part of the process to be a disciple is to represent Christ in all we do.
All scriptures are based on the five promises we make in the temple.
There is a difference in charity and love. In charity, we are willing to sacrifice.
Mothers are willing to die to give birth to others.
Preach my gospel (page 12) to bring souls to Him is how we show love for Christ.
Baptism is essential. Until there is a covenant in place, people won’t know how important this covenant is. Each time we take the sacrament. The indicators we have are important but the only most important part is baptism. Invite people to be baptized. Christ was the example.
What scripture have they listen to the most. This is your time to be disciples of Christ.
We are all learning. Some people think that they need to know it all. He went to the same things he has asked us to go thru.
President Nelson: April 2017 the more we know Him, the more we love Him.
How did the mission changed us to become better disciples? How can we share the importance of what we lived and how we can become better disciples? Write about those feelings. The mission couples you will know Christ and your wife or husband. He loves his missionaries. All we do is for their benefit.
The focus of the area is Jesus Christ. We pray for you and we love you.
“El templo es el núcleo de nuestra fe.
El plan es uno solo. Moroni 10:31”
Why are the stakes important? To strengthen Zion to be a shield from the world. All the people you baptize need to have strong stakes. The focal point is to strengthen the new converts.
Three goals: Share the gospel. Strength the youth and make and keep covenants. Every month they need to be in contact with the ministering sisters and brothers.
In the Strength, the youth focus we need to encourage our youth to plan to go on a mission. The most important thing is before going on a mission they need to go to the temple. Of all the lists, you have please focus on obtaining the temple endowment. Abraham 4:18
Invite all to come to Christ. The Yoke is the ordinance. The load is less heavy when we make covenants. The focus of the area is Jesus Christ and his covenants.
Start with the end in mind. Future missionaries start at the temple and end at the temple. All of these covenants take us to Christ.
“Come to me and I will make you fishermen of men” before you invite to get baptized, he lived among them and taught them. Invite is the key.
As we know Christ we want to share what we know.
Lehi loved, shared, Invited 2 Nephi 2: 18.
President Nelson does the same thing by inviting us. Testify and promise. We need to teach our missionaries to invite to pray, read the book of Mormon, attend church, to be baptized etc. This is the plan. We need those missionaries to keep inviting 100% Very rarely the missionaries would invite to do anything that is not related to Christ. Inspired invitations. President Ballard. It can’t be mechanical, it needs to come from the heart. The invitation needs to be accompanied by the spirit. The missionaries are the angels. don’t need to be too concern if the idea came from their head or the spirit. D & C 121:45-46 Ask what is the next step you need to take to be baptized? Missionaries have the spirit with them. We invite all!
Elder Walker is telling the story of President Nelson and his urgent need to travel in 2019 as a new prophet. He was going to meet with the prime minister of New Zeland. How does he do it? He said, my life is coming to an end. I will be in the presence of past Presidents who gave it all.
The same can be said about the quorum of the twelve. How do we teach our missionaries to have urgency? There is a need to invite our missionaries. There is so much to do and so little time to do it.
Con amor,
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