Monday, March 7, 2022

Marching into March With Elder Bednar

Amazing that we are entering the month of March which means that soon we will be listening to General Conference once again. For the past six months, we have been listening to the conference talks. I want to give a shout out to Emily Belle Freeman and her Inklings Institute on Instagram. She is live every Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. Utah time. I love her podcast! 


This week and next week, Daniel is busy with the visit of Elder Bednar. Yesterday I listened to what he told the people in Cordoba, and I hope to share a few thoughts with you in this letter. 


He started by saying: “Here you are wearing a white shirt and tie and are here inside a Church to listen to an Apostle when you could be watching a soccer match drinking a beer. Yes, you are weird and I love you for that! We won’t be given talks. We are not going to do any of that! You need to take notes but not of what we say but what you will feel. Heaven is asking you to assist those people or find someone who would. I could have stayed in Salt Lake and sent you my talks. Taking notes is not what you need to do. You don’t need to take notes but focus on what the Holy Ghost is telling you. All the revelation will not come through me. The revelation is among us.”


“During the pandemic people have an excuse for not ministering. Any time when we are too comfortable we might lose the guidance of the spirit. If the person is not doing anything, the spirit is sleeping but when we give them and invite them to do something, they will retain their faith. Faith is a principle of action and power. It’s not impossible to get burned if you are ministering. Managers might get burned out but not ministering. “


“Scripture said there would be war and rumors of wars and that is now. No one knows when the second coming will be. We simply live as if he comes now. He may come next year or in 100 years. Only two things are needed: The Plan of salvation and covenants.” 


“For decades Bishops have been asked to focus on the youth but the adults did not let them. Bishops need to focus on young people. Elder quorum Presidents, and Relief Society Presidents you need to delegate. You will be surprised how well people do the assignments and that is the power of Godliness. Grace is power that is enlarging our capacity.”


Next week, I will share more thoughts. 


Con amor,



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