Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday message

What I am about to share with you out there is very dear to my heart. As you know we had the visit of elder Holland and elder Clayton last week. Elder Holland came alone, his wife is ill but he still came but it is not the same for him without this sweetheart. He is a true disciple of Christ who feels at times tired and overwhelmed at the huge load he carries. The heavy load of all the burdens of this world. He does not only preside over the members of the whole Church but of people all over the world the same way it was at the time of Christ. Think of the apostles: Peter, James, John, Thomas, Luke, etc. The same thing is today.

The meetings were amazing and very special to me. I was very touched by the love they shared with all the members (Saints) here and what I will never forget was when elder Holland hugged me and smiled at me and Daniel and even said to both of us: “Los amo”. He truly loves people around him. We got to sit with him at the same table to have dinner where he was asked to say the blessing on the food. What an incredible prayer! His prayers are not repetitive chants we sometimes tend to do. His prayers are sincere and from the heart and he talks to our Heavenly Father as if he is having a conversation with him and really knows him. He is an example of what it would be like to know up close and personal our Father in Heaven and His son. It was glorious! The next day he came to speak to the people who work at the office and everyone got to shake his hand. Later he spoke to the missionaries and the youth, he had a few things to share while we were at some of the meetings and what I wrote down I am passing on to you.

#1 to seek what is truth because there is absolute truth.  No matter what you have been told, don’t do anything on borrowed light, find your own light. It is up to you to find out for yourself what is truth which the Holy Ghost will testify to you as you read the scriptures.  Example: There is a Father in Heaven and Jesus is His son… Acts: 7:55-56 Hebrew: 1: 1-6 and what he said over and over again in Spanish in all the meeting was “Dios vive” Maybe this is not any news to anyone but it felt powerful to hear him say “God Lives” and His son is at the head of His Church. It’s good to know of who is in charge.

#2 Think of what Christ would want you to do, what is your mission, how can you show your love for him? Feed my sheep!  I hope as we approach Easter we ponder on His great sacrifice for us and truly become His disciples.

The last meeting we had on Saturday was to clearly understand the purpose of our mission because we have at least been given a calling in Church for starters, whether is teaching in Sunday school, Primary, Relief Society, young men, young women, etc. the purpose of teaching those classes or to be leaders doing one calling or another is to bring souls to Christ. That is the job missionaries do, and that is all what we as leaders and teachers should focus on when we teach our students and last but not least, make sure that our homes especially our homes is where most of the teaching gets done. Be an example, be the light and be true to our calling!

Yesterday after five busy days they went home. It was awesome for me and Daniel to have witness those incredible and spiritual meetings with elder Holland and for this today I am very grateful.




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