Friday, May 27, 2016

Luncheon with the ladies

Today was the last time we could meet with Jeana Hill who leaves the Philippines for good tomorrow. I remember how hard it was for us when we said good bye to so many people in the DR and now they are doing the same thing here.

It was also Caroline's birthday so we had a chance to celebrate it too. What I love about this visit is that it wasn't rushed. We weren't worried about the time and all of the sudden we realized how we had spend three hours talking. We all had a wonderful time laughing and reminiscing all the great times we went out as friends.

A plus for me was to learn how to make empanada dough. Silvia came to show me. Priceless!

Here is her recipe for Empanada Doug:
2 C. flour
1 T baking Powder
1/3 C. oil
1/3 C. milk
1/3 C. warm water

Mix the oil, milk and water add the salt and baking powder mix them before adding the four.


Con amor,

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