Monday, December 12, 2016

Feeling Anxious!

I woke up today feeling anxious.  My list of things to do before we go on our Christmas trip once again has grown completely out of control, and what made it worse was the fact that the vast majority of items had deadlines attached to them that if missed would have negative consequences.  For example, Christmas cards needing to get done  and sent. Presents needed to get purchased to all the people on our list. Some of them are people I don't know all that well but they are relatives of Daniel in Uruguay.  And sadly, we have just spent all our money fixing the home in Millcreek. All of which added up to my state of panic this morning. Is there any bigger joy killer than the phrase " we are getting in too much debt"? I would argue that there is not!

 In fact I am quite certain that I would tested positive for accelerated heart rate, trembling, light-headedness, and a fear of dying…okay, that might be a slight exaggeration , but seriously, I was feeling stressed! I hate getting into debt and having not one dime of savings in our bank. We owe over $20,000 dollars and by the time we are done with our Christmas it is probably going to double. The problem with going into debt is that it automatically puts you in a state of panic and that feeling literally shuts you down from being productive.  It causes you to become so focused on the fact you are feeling panic that you can’t focus on resolving the issues that caused you to panic in the first place. Panic stems from your thoughts.  And the best way I have found to overcome panic is self-talk – I literally have to become a parent to myself, saying “settle down, it is all going to be okay…let’s walk through exactly what needs to get done and start on the most critical thing first”. 

 I know it probably sounds juvenile to have to talk to myself in order to calm down, but laugh all you want to – it works!  It helps me to stop and step away from the panic and go into “matter of fact mode” which is the voice of reason reminding me that I can get through this if I just take it one step at a time…reminding me that it is all going to be okay if I just stop panicking and start focusing. And so this morning that is what I did.  I sat down in a silent room and forced myself to get completely focused.  No distractions.  And then I went to work….and work I did. I know that someone we are going to get back on our feet and have money in the bank once again. I know that this debt is a temporary thing and that if I needed to, I can sell the house. I know that wishing six months I'll be debt free again so I better not think about this so much and just focus on those things I need to finish. 

 I worked in the most hyper-focused manner that I have worked in a very long time.  I started busting out one hard task after another and I refused to let myself think about everything I had to get done and instead I forced myself to focus on one task at a time, completing one and then immediately beginning the next.  I worked the entire day until a few minutes ago when I realized it is now past midnight!  WOW!  I had no idea it had gotten so late. Sitting here now I am shocked at how much I got done.  I’m talking really super hard projects that were intense!  And I got a ton of them finished. 

I did it!  If I could reach around and pat myself on the back I just might do it!  Instead I am going to jump out of this chair and scream “I DID IT!” – I was amazingly productive today and that is something to be proud of.  Now it's time to get to bed so I can get up super early to take our long flights to Montevideo. 


Sunday, December 11, 2016

Summer in December

I was looking at the weather report and it looks like the climate is drastically changing in Utah from how beautiful it was when we were there around thanksgiving. We have plans to spend Christmas in Utah next year but I am not sure anymore if we should try a warmer climate like: Uruguay, Florida, El Salvador or stay in the Philippines where Summer is in December. We will see.

I remember all those years in December when snow mixed with wet wind = I’m freezing to death! I have to say that I am not much of a snow girl only because I just can’t stand to be cold and I don’t ski. I tried learning at age 50 but it was probably too late, so cold snowy days were never my favorites.

 My husband Daniel and I have a constant battle over the temperature in our house – I want the temperature turned WAY up and my husband wants it turned way down…brrrrr…  Heat people…I need heat! All this air conditioning has reminded me that I do appreciate the cool air but not to the point that it reminds me of Utah.

There is one (and only one) good thing about cold weather and that is the chance it creates for you to snuggle up in front of a fireplace with a nice mug of hot cocoa.  My personal favorite is the hot cocoa homemade from El Salvador but if you don’t have the luxury of bringing it from El Salvador then some Stephen’s hot cocoa will do. Our choices are: Dark Chocolate, Roasted Hazelnut, Chocolate mint Truffle, or Raspberry Chocolate, especially when you add a huge dollop of whip cream that you squirt from the can…mmmm…yummy… So here is hoping that all of you can climb into your warm fuzzy zipper blanket with the built in footies, and snuggle up in front of the fireplace with the ones you love, and enjoy your nice warm cocoa…just don’t forget the whip cream!  Gotta have the whip cream…

Have a warm and wonderful day everyone!

Con amor,


Saturday, December 10, 2016

End of year Finances

It is that time of year again.  That miserable experience of trying to pull together your financial information so you can figure out how much you are going to owe in taxes for this year and hustling to determine what items you need to pay prior to the end of 2017 in order to take the deduction in this current tax year. 

If you pay your Utah State Taxes that you will owe for 2016 BEFORE December 31st you will be able to take that payment as a deduction on your federal taxes that you will owe on March 31st of 2017.  If you need extra deductions against your income than this is a good way to get them. 

Also keep in mind that your health insurance deductible is starting over in January so you may want to take care of medical and dental appointments this month before that happens.  Also by taking care of them this month you can count your copay portion of those treatments as a write off for this year’s taxes. Donate to charities before end of year.  This is a good way to support great things happening in the world and save on your taxes at the same time. 

 Those with children attending college, put money into a 529 college savings fund and contribute to a 401k or IRA You know, when it comes to paying taxes I have mixed emotions: On the one hand I am incredibly grateful to live in this amazing country and I realize that it’s because we pay our taxes that we have clean streets, clean water, nice freeways, public schools, etc.  After having spent time in other countries where they don’t have these luxuries, I decided I should feel grateful to pay taxes because I am blessed enough to live in the U.S., which is an amazing and beautiful country. 

 On the other hand, I hate that I have to pay a portion of my tax dollars that I know are not being well managed nor well spent by the US government.  I cannot stand the waste and overspending on crazy things that our tax dollars go to support every year when that money could be used far more wisely.  All I know is that if a CEO ran a business the way the US Government is running, they would be fired so fast your head would spin!  Unfortunately we don’t have the ability to take that action with some of our current Government leaders in place.  So yes, it is hard to watch people be so wasteful with your hard earned money, and that makes paining taxes even more painful to bear.

And going forward into 2017 the reward for being ambitious and doing well financially will be the opportunity to pay even more of your hard earned money to the government.  Argghhh….
Well I have hours to go yet on getting my tax records gathered tonight but I will share with you one final quote:

 “Abracadabra, thus we learn the more you create, the less you earn. The less you earn, the more you’re given, the less you lead, the more you’re driven, the more destroyed, the more they feed, the more you pay, the more they need, the more you earn, the less you keep, And now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to take, if the tax-collector hasn’t got it before I wake.”- Ogden Nash

Con amor,