Thursday, December 8, 2016

One year older

Rachel Hoeft Almeida is celebrating a new year of life in beautiful Houston, Texas. Rachael is so cute when it comes to decorating her home. She is a lot like her mother who is darling. The mother and grandmother both like some nativities we game them from the Dominican Republic.

 I love decorating for Christmas too and I love finding real gems when it comes to Christmas decor. Last week while we were in Utah we found some nativities from Jerusalem at Deseret Book. Here in Manila I am putting out all my nativities and one of my favorites is the one little nativity I bought when I went to Jerusalem. I also remember buying a beautiful larger nativity set  that I gave Shirley as a gift. I don't know where that ended up. It's sold in various Christmas shops for $200 dollars.

The nativity come from the wood of olive trees grow in Israel and are handcrafted in Bethlehem. They are made by Christian craftsmen who have been carving olive wood for generations.

Olive wood is a long living and durable hard wood. In fact, some of the trees growing in the Holy Land were planted well before the birth of Christ. It is a tree that is rich in symbolism and history. When Noah was given the sign that land was near, it was an olive branch carried by the dove. When Christ made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the people wave palm and olive branches. According to tradition, it is believed that Christ prayed under an olive tree in the Garden of gEthsemane, Just after the last super prior to His crucifixion.

Deseret Book has some of those nativities for sale of all places.

Con amor,


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