Tuesday, February 27, 2018

My partner, my best friend

A scripture and a message: “A real friend sticks closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 

What is a friend? 

Someone to be there? Acquaintances, even close friends and family members will walk with you awhile along life’s road and then depart but a real friend “sticks closer than a brother.” In your spouse, Heavenly Father has blessed you with a friend for life, a traveling companion who will share both panoramic views and difficult terrain and one day celebrate with you the journey’s end. 

Someone to offer a hand? Ecclesiastes 4:30 says, “If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.” Your truest friend is the one who offers his or her assistance when you stumble into the roadside ditch. A loving spouse will pull you up, affirms your worth, and encourage you to strive ahead.

Someone to talk to? “The pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest counsel.” (Proverbs 27:9.) Your best friend is the one you want to be with most, the one you chose to talk to first whether the road is smooth or rough, the one with whom you want to share your thoughts and feelings. The one whose opinion and advice you seek. 

A best friend is all of the above. But mostly, according to Proverbs 17:17, it is someone who cares deeply: ‘A friend loves at all times” May your best friend always be your spouse. 

Con amor,

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